Stationed camp friendship 1965-1966.538 engineers.Anybody left sure would be nice too hear from you. ARDF transferred from the Special Ops tarmac at Udorn to Utapao where we then flew Cambodia locating Khmer and Pol Pots transmitters in the invasion of Phnom Penh. The intended result was to expose enemy forces who relied on the trees for cover. Any help would be greatly appreciated. So, my driver and I had to wait outside for about two hours until the alert was over. Was My dad there S/sgt Billie Leroy Roth lost June 27 1965. I was stationed at NKP in 1970-71, 1987th Comm. (for Thailand) or have a source where I could find one. Thank you, I was with the 355TFS at Takhli AFB 68-69 as an instrument -autopilot tech. Although this map does not provide enough detail toclearly illustratethe perimeter of any specificbase,it doesindicate how massive the American presence was in Thailand and helps to inform the scale of the related problem of Agent Orange exposure. location at U-Tapao. KEEP THE CLAIM GOING SO IT WILL BE RETROACTIVE BACK TO THE POINT OF YOUR FILING. I got spayed twice while working nights while working fighter between embankments. Possible exposure due to Department of Defense herbicide tests and storage at military installations in the United States and at locations in other countries, and locations added by the PACT Act. I come from a family without heart issues. Dates of service: (actual or approximate) I was in Takhli in1973 for the grand Nixon deployment to win the war and Udorn in 1973 and 1974. More information on this topic can be found in a book series titled,,,,, Not so Silent Partner: Thailands Role in Covert Operations . I worked in the ECM shop. I would like to say Thank you to you and your families for all you did during this and every war America has been in. I remember him talking about tents beside the runway. I have a lot of pictures. [18][15] It dropped 76,389 bombs and was credited with 786 enemy personnel confirmed killed and a further 3,390 estimated killed; with 8,637 structures, 15,568 bunkers, 1,267 sampans and 74 bridges destroyed. I know that he was transferred to Clark AFB Medical Center for wounds he sustained purportedly in a bar fight. He never took anything from the VA, saying that he could work and he had Brothers that needed it more than he did. Thomas E. Marchbanks, Jr., Chief Air Force Reserve, Hq. Phan Rang beach. Agent Orange is an herbicide that was used to defoliate the thick jungle in Vietnam and elsewhere in Southeast Asia, such as the Korean Demilitarized Zone. Mary, the incidents that you are talking about are covered in great detail in Phan Rang Newsletter 147 in Magpies Down-Magpie 91 and Magpie 41. If anyone was at Korat AFB between Augus-September 1973 would love to compare notes. Anyway. I was stationed at Happy Valley from Nov 68 Nov 69 with the 554th Red Horse Squadron and we constructed most of the Concrete Sky aircraft shelters. The newsletter collection contains stories about dangerous missions, enemy attacks on the base, military awards and decorations, and descriptions of what off-duty airmen did to pass the time. Is he a relative? I worked for the USAFSS in 1975 at Utapao; my little group serviced U-2 aircraft (ECM and encrypted radios) based there which intercepted radio communications while soaring at high altitude over Laos and Cambodia. I injured my back loading and had to eventually crosstrain into the medics after returning to Holloman. And looking for anyone that was stationed during that time. EX CPL, 594 SIG TROOP , 2 SIG REGIMENT ADF. Water had to be trucked in. Most importantly talk to a Veteran organization. If anyone remember him please contact me. Several weeks later,we were told by the squadron commander that he had tracked down a few barrels of agent orange at the Air Force base at Udorn. Permalink, Amything on LARRY LANHART? I have not filed as I dont live in the USA. My dad was in Ubon and Udorn Thailand in 1964 and 1965. Le Vit Nam, Viet Nam, Vietnam ou Vitnam, en forme longue la rpublique socialiste du Vit Nam (en vietnamien : Vit Nam couter et Cng ho X hi Ch ngha Vit Nam couter) est un pays d'Asie du Sud-Est, situ l'est de la pninsule indochinoise.Il fait galement partie de la sinosphre (sphre culturelle chinoise), aussi appele sphre culturelle d'Asie de l . Agent Orange was employed around many of these airfields andother U.S. installations in Thailand. His name was Robert Lewis . Trying to prove exposure to AO. Thank you, I was stationed at Phan Rang AB, RVN 1966-67 as an Mobile Tower Air Traffic Controller. Worked in the ammo dump..any buddies out there? 1964-1965. I was at Korat RTAFB from 11 May 1975-Feb 1976, with the 388th SPS, and it seemed I was always guarding the perimeter. A military map made in 1961 of Southeast Asia, which can be seen below,illustrates these points. Have 5 AO connected diseasesbeen denied for every one. 20 years after I am dead they will figure it out that I should have at least been tested. I am a complete and totally disabled veteran for this experience. Was stationed at Udorn 621st TCS from Feb 69 to March 70 Did a month as Security Police Augmentee. All of a sudden a woman started screaming, and running toward the plane, they were unable to stop her!! T he U.S. has launched a $183 million clean-up campaign at a former air base in Vietnam that was used to store the toxic chemical Agent Orange. Its a dishonor and flagrant insult. My request has been at the Board of Veterans Appeals since 9/17/2019 with 48,444 appeals ahead of me as of 11/06/2022. Problem with that is a lot of the veterans wont live that long.The VA is not our friend when it comes to disability claims and most of the reform has to be forced on them by Congress. One of the maps, however, has a list of bases. For those stationed in Thailand, the VA rules state you must have been within 500 meters of the perimeters to qualify for exposure to AO. The Environmental Impact of Agent Orange hot SPOTS At least two-thirds of the so-called "Rainbow herbicides" used during the war, a total of 20 million gallons, contained the Dioxin-contaminated phenoxy herbicide 2,4,5-T. How and where would I be able to find out about this. We arrived at Phan Rang in Nov. 1965. we were within feet of the perimeter not yards, Was TDY in May of 72 to Takhli from Holloway AFB. I wore a patch on my uniform that was the 9th logisitic command. All of my pics were lost in a relocation! I have document from 56th CES at NKP showing that the perimeter was sprayed in 1971. I believe I was exposed to AO, and on one occasion went to sick call with small blisters on both arms. First fueling B-52s on the East side, which meant driving the perimeter road, eating at the East side chow hall, than the West side, filling up our R-5 refueling trucks at the POL Tank Farm, that was next to the perimeter. Would anyone have a complete list of army or marine camps? Agent orange was used at the Depot to clear vegetation around the ammunition storage areas and fence line. Anyone serving then and undergoing similar, please contact me. If an RVNAF really screwed up, they marched him out in front of the assembled troops, dressed in an ARVN uniform. I installed /operated Tropo Scatter TRC-90s near Udorn and at Royal Thai Airbase in Udorn. He was denied. I remember that the RVNAF seemed to fear the ARVN worse than the VC. I know he saw agent Orange there because when he got out he wrote a paper for school about agent orange. Is there a way to prove I was sent TDY as there do not seem to be records other than one of my performance reviews from a MSGT who I was stationed with in Thailand. I do believe being on the ground in Saigon was key to my disabilities being approved at 100%, please dont give up, sometimes the VA is VERY DIFFICULT TO DEAL WITH, remember the squeaky wheel gets grease, DONT GIVE UP!!!! ANY ONE STATIONED OR KNOW ANYONE , AT US ARMY TROPO , SCATTER SITE COMPOUND , ABOUT 12 MILES NOTH OF KHON KAEN , NE THAILAND FEBAPRIL 1968, IT WAS . He passed away from lung cancer in October of 2015. I was TDY to U-Tapao, Thailand August through Nov 74. He never talked much about his time there but my mom remembers him telling her he was never more scared in his life than when he was stationed at Udorn. Nakhon Phanom is on the map titled U.S. Luckily I caught a few hops to Tan San Nuet and visit Saigon, plus eat some good food and the NCO Club. Berton Duncan was his name. Any help with info on units flying these missions or anyone recognizing his name, or serving during this time flying similar missions please reach out to me. long live the memories of the forgoten. Originally built by the Imperial Japanese Army during WWII, it was rebuilt by the United States Air Force and used during the Vietnam War by both the USAF and the South Vietnamese Air Force. Thank you for your service! I believe theres another reunion in the works for 2024. Im asking for help in this matter. I am compensated at 100% Service-Connected for PTSD. If anyone was there and worked with me or knew me get in touch with me through my email [emailprotected]. Contrary to the belief of the VA a chain link fence DOSE NOT STOP THE drift of the spray in to the tin BKS with all windows open all the time Needless to say I got Bladder CANCER! Stationed at Ubon RTAFB 69/70 ECM repairman was there during the Jan 1970 sapper attackI have developed Ischemic Heart trouble, High Blood Pressure and CLL Leukemia ..have been denied AO claim filled a supplemental claim after the PACT Act Passed into law.just waiting now. During my tour, we would get called out to check the sensors located around the perimeter if there was a problem with one of the units. Its sad! My mother worked for Philco Tech-Reps Division from 1966 to 1970. was searching for information about Philco-Ford in Thailand and came across this blog. Was diagnosed with Parkinsons with lewy body dementia. WOW!!!! Go to to purchase the entire video, or to see movie. our commo center was the largest and only link for all communications from vietnam into thailand they all came thur warin ics. The VA thinks I am making it up on my AO Exposure Claim. I understand the rules on this site prohibiting direct contact between vets posting here, however, I belong to several Facebook groups dedicated to vets who served in Thailand, including one specifically for personnel who were based at NKP. Thank you for covering this. I have had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. I was at Ubon 70-71 as a weapons loader 408th MMS. Unit transfered to Rum-Chit-Thai just south ou Sakon Nakon. Im the widow of Ernest Whitfield who was stationed at NKP in 74he was a communications specialist eho passed on 11.05.14 at age 62. 5 way bypass pass. To jack stover. Most of the year I operated a loader on the mountain, loading trucks with fill dirt for the runways. Comment and Posting Policy. The VA refused my claim twice now for compensation due to the fact that I wasnt in the Military Police Co which would have patrolled the perimeter of the airbase. Also, a report on the defoliation of base perimeters was declassified and is available at CHECO Report. 1996-67, I think. Had some great guys in our hootch . New Vietnam War Records from Phan Rang Air Base - Fold3 HQ Regardless no records indicated that was attached to the security forces. My Dad is a Vietnam Vet, he didnt see action, however he spent lots of time with the wounded while he was in the hospital ill. For myself, working on the AC-130s, it specifically states they were in revetments 300 yards from the perimeter. The majority of the fuel can from Bangkok in 3170 gallon trucks. Kind of enjoyed the early part but was worried about being attacked. I have really bad peripheral neuropathy, high blood pressure, and many other health issues. Stated there might shift flight line and remember spraying different areas. It seems absurd they expect us to find someone we served with 50 years ago and their insistence only those who worked on base perimeters are considered. This progressed to bladder cancer,2 brain tumors, and a epitheliod sarcoma on his leg. Pulled secret overseas supporting to CIA air operations out of Korat then Ubon AFB, Thailand doing bombing runs into Laosnumerous episodic exposures to jet fuel, persistent exposure to jet exhaust in the barracks, and regular exposure to Agent Orange. Awaiting a board review if I am around that long. I came down with large cell B cell non hodgkins lymphoma and it damned near killed me. They paid the locals to keep their fields low. There is no record of my TDY. We were all exposed to agent orange but there is no way to substantially it because military records do not support us there or what we were doing. I only have a couple of pictures from that time. He passed away in 2020 of lung cancer. Phan Rang Air Base, 1965-1970 - YouTube The PACT passed late last year by Congress should make it much easier to get claims adjudicated faster with less bullshit from the VA. Best of luck to all Vets who are suffering the ravages of AO. I was only on the ground for 8 days with my C-130, and I remember walking each day thru tall weeds between my barracks and the flightline. I WAS STATIONED IN Danang FOR MOST OF MY TOUR. AT Phitsonulok dec 68 to dec 69. Does anyone know or remember how clean the camp was from weeds.} I am diabetic, have had colon cancer, and have severe arthritis that I have to take shots in the stomach for. My late husband William M. Beach was stationed at Korat I think in 1973. I have bladder cancer from AO. It also is listed on the maps index under Army bases, which appears in red. We worked a 12 on 12 off shift with a two day break then shift change. Thanks. I worked in POL @ Utapao from May 1973 to May 74. but continue to deny IBM as Service Connected. I am not sure he was ever stationed there. I have no idea if I was exposed to Agent Orange during that time. I was stationed Udorn RTAFB 74-75 Corrosion Control, flight line and beyond. trying to get compensation for agent orange exposure due to having 2 presumptive conditions now.our unit received the republic of vietnam gallantry cross during operations in 1970 1971. jQuery. I remember your parties as being exciting events! I dont remember landing in Vietnam. I was in Ubon Thailand 71to 73. Exposure to Agent Orange by Location - Public Health Can anyone help me with my research MCAS RoseGarden Vets: Gary Mcevilla, Eldon Toncrey, Paul S Smith, Chandler Nelm, JC Smith, and Paul D Kaisar. God bless. I was there when B52 slid off runway and helicopter went down and we were all augmented to assist in clean up. Is their any help out there? I remember how close the jungle was to the perimeter wire when I first arrived. The Last Fight of your Squadron Commander was unique they stopped after turning off the runway, and tied him to an external bomb rack, so he came in to the Last Flight fire-hose ceremony lashed to the bomb rack of his Canberra! With respect to evidence supporting the conclusion that the veteran was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam, the record confirms that the veteran served in Vietnam beginning in September 1966. Ive been sick ever since, skin issues, Parkinson, 29 orthopedic surgeries almost every joint, gut issues etc Its been a good run, proud to have served with you Marines. I worked at the Vayama ammunition Depot during my tour of duty. Air Force support troops at NKP were convinced we were CIA, otherwise what was a Coast Guard big white with red tail C-130 with all those antennas doing in the Golden Triangle. The VA and before = I was Security Police. I am receiving 40% disability for prostate cancer and diabetes type II from Agent Orange exposure. In 2016 I was denied service connection for hypothyroidism, but it is now presumptive and being re-adjudicated. I was in UDORN in 1969 to 1970 as an RF4c Mechanic. This too was patrolled by K-9 units. I was assigned as a Security Policeman at all bases in Thailand . We are eagerly awaiting the second volume, which will cover his next nine months flying from the Marble Mountain Air Facility in Da Nang. I was on the flight line every night, B52 s. The base consisted of a mess hall houtches and the air strip and planes that were frequently flew missions Im pretty sure that agent Orange was stored there and that the jungle was sprayed around the perimeter of the camp.