Graphene Oxide sheets are able to slice open every cell membrane of the human body within 15 minutes after inoculation, according to Dr. Robert Martin. They are integrated with the transgenes (Luciferase and Lentivirus) into one of the epithelial cell lineages and assimilated into the human host. This is the latest of many false claims about ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines. The point Im making here is that the operating system is DNA-binding, downregulation, and upregulating genes using the transgenic Hydras, targeting human embryos and embryonic cells, leading to developmental alterations from binding genes to the Wnt/-catenin signaling pathway. A plague on them! La Quinta Columna: Almost all foods are magnetic, are medicines magnetic too? Get RVM Premium today! One tells of a woman who is a regular blood donor and that after her second vaccination, her blood donation tested positive for the Trypanosoma cruzi parasite, the same as what Dr Young found in the vaxx. Luckily, donor organs and blood are now routinely screened for Chagas antibodies and thats how these were discovered. They are also targeting embryonic cells in the testes & ovaries. A New World Order System . Ergo, it must be deliberate, there is no other rational explanation! With the help of model organisms, theyll reveal the causes of disease and illuminate potential paths to treatment and prevention. And this is a favorite organism of transhumanists because, in the lab, it's immortal. The test is based on the regeneration rate Kingston explains that the vaccines are a gateway to an obedience platform and potentially an execution platform if you are not obedient to your score. The Lentivirus contains a combination of HIV types 1-3, SRV-1/AIDS, MERS, and SARS. I don't know why we're seeing the Hydra and these vials. And this is not just me saying this. This is why we are seeing neurogenerative & autoimmune reactions to the vax which is prions. You can read the studies for yourself, as I have done. I also wrote an article on protocols for detoxifying Graphene Oxide from your body, here. It enables long-term transgene expression. The same technology applies to humans. I have to wonder if the implants theyre referring to contain transgenic Hydras? Because of Madejs connections to Sasha Stone and that group of new agers or whatever they are, I have misgivings about her. Hydras are not a human pathogen Hydra vulgaris, which can grow to about an inch in size, is adapted to living in lakes and ponds. Curiously, before pitching it, hoping to find a microscope somewhere I pulled five or six specks, put them on a piece of paper towel, into a plastic baggie, and then clipped it with a magnet to the side of my refrigerator. "Mortality patterns suggest lack of senescence in hydra. This happens in other animals, such as the starfish. They also use it to treat drinking water in most community water supplies. Yes, and it seems that it is not particularly harmful to humans. Electrodes attached to gold programmable nano robots transfect human cells, silencing your innate God-given genetic sequences and code your cells to reproduce the synthetic genetic sequence of the chimeric spike protein (Lentivirus), indefinitely. As technologies advance, UC Davis scientists and researchers are gaining unprecedented windows into the machinations of life. Hydras are primitive multicelullar animals. WebHydra Vulgaris transgenesis technology was developed over the last 30 years. The egg forms a chitinous exoskeleton and waits for favorable conditions before the organism will emerge. Luciferase exhibits bright green fluorescence when exposed to light in the blue to ultraviolet range, enabling the vaxxed to be traced externally. Did I mention it also destroys Glyphosate and has been used to reverse autism which is considered incurable by big medicine. I am furious. Paola Pierobon, Angela Tino, Rosario Minei, Giuseppe Marino. It is a deadly protein explains Dr. McCullough. Many other things can influence their sexual differentiation, one of them being lowering the surrounding temperature. In fact, Biotechs chimeric operating system establishes a new neural network in humans and an artificial brain by re-directing endogenous neural stem cells. >>. Same thing happened. And it is on purpose. I use it regularly now in the age of COVID you should too. ADDGene is selling a variety of CRISPR parasites to be used as gene vectors for human transfection. Their unique abilities make them ideal for studies in healing and aging. If you or I were injured, say our hands were cut off, theres a specific genetic program that is activated and is required to heal the wound, but the hand wouldnt grow back, says Juliano. Stew I need an email address for you. These studies admit that hydra are there & include transfection, the mechanism & the operating system. Transgenic Hydras allow in vivo tracking of individual stem cells during morphogenesis (tissue and cell growth). WebIn this study the acute and chronic toxicity of 10 drugs, commonly prescribed in the UK i.e. Thank you so much for your consideration! Thank you for supporting our journalism. These are early days, but knowledgeable doctors/scientists are saying that the vaxxed should not procreate.VAXXED PEOPLE DONT PROCREATE until we know more. [6], Having the simplest nervous system of any known organism, the neurology of H. vulgaris is of interest to the neuroscience community, in the hopes that understanding such simple circuitry will be a precedent for understanding the more complex function of brains. BLAST Sequence technology is being used to create new DNA sequences and finds similar genetic sequences between species, performing alignment functions for same-species and cross-species genetic splicing for the purpose of transcription. As sci-fi thrilling as this information may sound, the technology has already been deployed and is being injected into the veins of our children as we speak. Must have been removed. I hung on to that baggie of Britta specimens for years and often showed it to visiting friends, family, neighbors Skeptics, many of them, about conspiracy matters in general, but none of those who had seen the disturbing contents within that baggie could deny that what they were seeing was something out of a horror movie. Disturbed, I switched to a new filter. Hydrascould not survive in a vaccine, nor inside the human body, Jones said. But when nutrients are scarce, they undergo sexual reproduction. Juliano and her colleagues have meticulously conducted a single-cell sequencing project on Hydra, defining the exact genes expressed in each cell type. This is utter insanity!! And the two things that they're interested in are immortality, regeneration Well, three things. The Hydra Vulgaris has been combined with bacteria, and gold nanoparticles drive the HV into the cells, with the particular targets being the ovaries and the testes. As a result of these horrifying discoveries, I did my own research on Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles and Toxicity and wrote an article entitled Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide. When hydra reproduce sexually, simple testes, ovaries, or both will develop on the bodies of an individual. It is just not a pathogen of humans.". More simply stated, your cells will continue to replicate themselves over and over again with a new genetic sequence of the chimeric pathogen you were injected with. Ramola says this points to an awareness within the medical community that there are parasites in the vaxx. Ramola finds the three other cases of people reported in VAERS who were screened for this parasite (two teenagers and a 60-year-old) had all presented with heart problems after being vaxxed. These proteins have been implicated in oncogenesis and in several developmental processes, including regulation of cell fate and patterning during embryogenesis. The third method of reproduction is more of a survival mechanism than a reproduction mechanism. And, of course, the superconducting material. Hydra are there to create hybrid human beings. Thus, transgenic Hydras carry the RNA trigger to code your cells, leading to gene silencing in human cells. Proteins control gene expression. In an animal study using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with an Adenovirus vector and drugs, scientists were able to induce Huntingtons Disease by targeting the Corpus striatum of the brain which resulted in 100 fold neurodegeneration and motor behavioral impairment. Their scientific findings were published in 2013. Transgenic Hydra are instrumental in encoding the human SP5 (shRNA silencing AAV) which is a gene on chromosome 2q31.1 that encodes a protein that binds to the GC-box promoter elements, thought to play a role in coordinating the intricate changes in transcription which occur in the developing embryo. Their unique abilities make them ideal for studies in healing and aging. USA TODAYreached out to the social media users for comment. WebExperts have come back with potential candidates for its identification, either Hydra vulgaris or Polypodium hydriforme, both of which are members of the Cnidaria phylum and are the Blood Zapping using electroporation kills all parasites bacteria and viruses in the bloodstream. Their unique abilities make them ideal for studies in healing and aging. They feed by extending their tentacles and waiting for food to touch the tentacles. These are not vaccines at all but a WEAPONS SYSTEM (my words) for the RAPID CLONING (their words) of humans, through gene knockout (silencing), artificial gene sequencing (coding) and to monitor transfectants inside of humans (tracing). These organisms, which look like miniature, fleshy palm trees with swaying fronds of tentacles, boast stem cells that exist in a continuous state of renewal and seem to hold KJP Cant Even Get Norfolk Southern Right [VIDEO], << Sign The Petition: Joe Biden Should Take a Cognitive Test With The Results Made Public! Weve previously spoken about the findings of microscopy expert, Dr Robert Young, who published his images of the contents of the four publicly-available jabs using various methods, including Phase Contrast Microscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy. 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