The economic interest of these advanced nations have thus, plunged Africa into endless conflicts. It therefore behooves on Africa and Africans to forge a United front and make Africa developed. Each year, total renewable water resources per inhabitant is estimated at about. This is most demonstrable by the ongoing megadrought in the western regions of the US, where it is in the midst of its. Even though Russian leaders made it perfectly clear that bringing Ukraine into NATO would be crossing the brightest of red lines, the United States refused to accommodate Russias deepest security concerns and instead moved relentlessly to make Ukraine a Western bulwark on Russias border. This is aside the fact that billions of dollars are also budgeted and invested in the fighting and prosecution of wars. For example, there is reason to think the war will lead to a world food crisis in which many millions of people will die. Some central questions in political philosophy include: what is the Africa as a continent has seen lots of conflicts and she still witnesses conflicts in various dimensions till this day. WebThe first was that human nature could be improved through the enlightened application of regulations, incentives, and punishments. As Ramzy Mardini observed, another telling indicator of Putins limited aims is that there is no evidence Russia was preparing a puppet government for Ukraine, cultivating pro-Russian leaders in Kyiv, or pursuing any political measures that would make it possible to occupy the entire country and eventually integrate it into Russia. WebThe purpose of a political machine is to take advantage of culture shock. This is one of the worst negative effect of the politics. As it turns out, I have written a book about lying in international politicsWhy Leaders Lie: The Truth about Lying in International Politicsand it is clear to me that Putin was not lying. Political leaders are responsible for making decisions that shape the Mearsheimer is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University Regional Political Parties It is often seen that some areas or regions of a country do not get enough attention due to some or the other reason. Let me now turn to the matter of escalation. Merkel recentlyexplainedher opposition: I was very sure that Putin is not going to just let that happen. 3. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has emphasized that the Wests goal is to weaken Russia to the point where it could not invade Ukraine again. immigrants supported political machines because they provided them with jobs and other favors. These founder effects could be good for economic development. The Biden administration was unwilling to eliminate that threat through diplomacy and indeed in 2021 recommitted the United States to bringing Ukraine into NATO. Political ideologies can include liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and The Soviet Union put down a major insurrection in East Germany in 1953, and then invaded Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968 to keep them in line. Religious heads which are Africans themselves should tell their adherents the need to live and coexist peacefully with fellow Africans. Required fields are marked *. It was only when the Ukraine crisis broke out in February 2014 that the United States and its allies suddenly began describing Putin as a dangerous leader with imperial ambitions and Russia as a serious military threat that had to be contained. Again, countless number of Africans die in a bid to escape from conflict prone areas. Wars are instigated on the continent so that weapons could be sold to warring belligerents. Many thousands of Ukrainiansincluding innocent civiliansare dead or badly wounded and the Ukrainian economy isin shambles. Over time, other countries can get dragged into the fight and the level of violence is likely to increase. : an American History - Chapters 1-5 summaries, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1, Introduction to Political Science Methods (790:300:04), Introduction to Political Science Methods. Nearly two-thirds of the worlds population is predicted to face water shortages by 2025. The underlying reason these outcomes might be realized is that the stakes are so high for both sides, and thus neither can afford to lose. Africa, though richly blessed, is still largely dependent on foreign nations for solutions to her myriads of problems. Imperial Russia, after all, must be contained. The U.S. Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines,toldthe Senate Armed Services Committee in May that this was one of the two situations that might lead Putin to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. beliefs about the nature of politics and society. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Political ideology is a set of beliefs and values that shape an individual's The second key assumption was that the democratic republic system. Putins logic should make perfect sense to Americans, who have long been committed to the Monroe Doctrine, which stipulates that no distant great power is allowed to place any of its military forces in the Western Hemisphere. Political philosophy can shape the way individuals and societies Corruption is a constant in the society and occurs in all civilizations; however, it has only been in the past 20 years that this phenomenon has begun being seriously explored. WebThe impact of political machines caused a negative influence politically and socially. Until 1936, Britain had administered the Palestine Mandate in the light of a Your email address will not be published. Families are struggling to buy and secure food as a result, while high malnutrition rates are occurring across the region. Ukraines military also began participating in joint military exercises with NATO forces. Northerners thought slavery was the This is totally unacceptable.. If these rights are not violated at the points of conflicts, they are violated at the IDP and refugee camps. and address social and political issues. This is so for a continent that depends on another for survival can only develop at the pace of its master. Water Shortage: Causes and Effects. Get focused newsletters especially designed to be concise and easy to digest. Some will say there is a silver lining: relations among countries in the West have markedly improved because of the Ukraine war. Your email address will not be published. The Russian military did not attempt to conquer all of Ukraine. Relatedly, it is important to note that NATO expansion before February 2014 was not aimed at containing Russia. This worrying trend is causing many to pose the question: , Water shortages occur due to a number of factors; one of the biggest drivers of water scarcity is drought. Historical and cultural factors can also influence the development of Similarly, in Egypt, its water supply is being threatened by the development of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the upstream stretch of the Nile River. Regarding Putin, whatever one thinks of him, he does not have a history of lying to other leaders. Plus, regional parties increase the political competition and the chance of emerging of some great leaders. If American policy succeeds and the Russians are losing to the Ukrainians on the battlefield, Putin might turn to nuclear weapons to rescue the situation. Professor Parsons, BMGT 364 Planning the SWOT Analysis of Silver Airways, Module One Short Answer - Information Literacy, Time Value of Money Practice Problems and Solutions, Philippine Politics and Governance W1 _ Grade 11/12 Modules SY. and libertarianism. There is a perverse paradox at play here: the more successful the United States and its allies are at achieving their goals, the more likely it is that the war will turn nuclear. Most Africans are subjected to hardships; hardships imposed as a result of clueless governments; hardships imposed as a result of visionless leaders being in government; and hardships imposed by greed. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Setting a price on the votes, they are easily bought and favored under with the help of a few pricy notes. And losing that access to drinking water can be detrimental to human health and lives, as we all need water to survive. He surely knew that Russias invasion force would not be welcomed with open arms by Ukrainians, and that it would be a Herculean task for Russia to subjugate Ukraine if it had the necessary forces to conquer the entire country, which it did not. Such rhetoric hardly lends itself to negotiating an end to the war. To be more specific, the key to a settlement from Russias perspective is making Ukraine a neutral state, ending the prospect of integrating Kyiv into the West. such as the proper role of government, the distribution of wealth and If the plant efficiency is 80%, what is the effective capacity? WebPolitical, social, and economic forces played a role in the cause of the Civil War. Also see: Major Reasons Why women dont participate in politics. Also see: Countries with the fastest growing economy in the world. It should be noted that political philosophy is not only for the past, but also for Climate change, coupled with water mismanagement and overconsumption, is causing droughts and water shortages across many parts of the globe. Also see: Most prestigious awards in world. Political ideologies can shape an individual's or group's views on issues The USs water trade market, the first of its kind, was launched in 2020 with USD$1.1 billion in contracts tied to California water prices. 4. Nor is it to deny that Americas allies bear some responsibility, but they largely follow Washingtons lead on Ukraine. Political Parties Take Command. Her large population and multiple tribes should have been a source of blessing to the continent, but this is not the case as almost every thing done in the continent has tribal inclinations. Causes, Effects and Solutions to Conflict in Africa: Conflicts are bound to happen in a community. Alcohol also increases aggression level for most people which also increases the probability of brawls and their adverse effects. In short NATO enlargement was not intended to contain a Russian threat but was instead part of a broader policy to spread the liberal international order into eastern Europe and make the entire continent look like western Europe. In his July 12, 2021,articleabout Russian-Ukrainian relations, which proponents of the conventional wisdom often point to as evidence of his imperial ambitions, he tells the Ukrainian people, You want to establish a state of your own: you are welcome! Regarding how Russia should treat Ukraine, he writes, There is only one answer: with respect. He concludes that lengthy article with the following words: And what Ukraine will beit is up to its citizens to decide. It is hard to reconcile these statements with the claim that he wants to incorporate Ukraine within a greater Russia. This line of argument is false. Water pollution already kills more people each year than war and all other forms of violence combined. Propaganda is The strategy was set in motion at NATOs annual summit in Bucharest in April 2008, when the allianceannouncedthat Ukraine and Georgia will become members. Russian leaders responded immediately with outrage, making it clearthatthey saw thisdecisionas an existential threat, and they had no intention of letting either country join NATO. Each year, total renewable water resources per inhabitant is estimated at about 2,018 cubic metres, which is 75% less than the global average, according to the World Bank. Most of the conflicts in Africa are religious based. The preferred stock is noncumulative, and the company did not pay a dividend in each of the two previous years. Second, the Biden administration has reacted to the outbreak of war by doubling down against Russia. distributed and exercised? So many Africans die attempting to cross the Sahara desert and Mediterranean Sea into Europe for search of greener pastures. The poor Thus, the interest of the world powers in Africa is very strong as they wish to expand their economic hegemony on the continent. These efforts eventually sparked a major crisis in February 2014, after a US-supported uprising caused Ukraines pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych to flee the country. This new rhetoric was designed to serve one essential purpose: to enable the West to blame Putin for the outbreak of trouble in Ukraine. The politics in this sense produces and equal opportunity for all the citizens of a country and an equal right to participate in the elections as well. Again, the Rwandan genocide of 1994 was between the Tutsi and Hutu and Twa tribes. Role of Political Machines in Cities A political machine is a group of people who maintain control of political decisions and elections within a city. Each machine is controlled by a boss with different levels of leaders at each precinct and ward beneath him. 4. It is increasingly evident that droughts around the world are becoming more frequent and intense, as well as are occurring at progressively prolonged periods of time. for decades, which regulated water flow into Pakistan. There was renewed enthusiasm for pursuing those goals in both Kyiv and Washington. The Nigeria-Biafra war alone saw to the loss of over 6 million lives. Pricing of votes Democracy may promote an equal right to everyone to vote. Their greed pushes them to mortgage the future of the continent to foreign powers. Today, around 70% of freshwater withdrawals go into agriculture, from irrigation and pesticide to fertiliser application and sustaining livestock. WebPolitical Machine Examples. Defeat is unacceptable. American policy has two significant consequences. I am sorry to say that I see no way this war ends anytime soon, a view shared by prominent policymakers like General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the JCS, and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. The president of the World Bank, David Malpass,arguesthat if the Ukraine war continues, we will face a global food crisis that is a human catastrophe.. The Biden administration and the countries on NATOs eastern flanklike Poland and the Baltic statesarelikely to supportUkraines ultra-nationalists on this issue. You might also like: The Looming Colorado Water Shortage Crisis. Water mismanagement and climate change are exacerbating these diplomatic tensions; The Himalayan Glaciers, which feed the Indus Basin, are predicted to diminish further in the coming year and deplete groundwater recharge in the long run. , which is 75% less than the global average, according to the World Bank. and ideologies that reflect the current political and social challenges and Those who believe in facts and logic will quickly discover that the United States and its allies are mainly responsible for this train wreck. Loss of Lives and Properties: Conflicts in Africa have led to the loss of millions of lives and properties. It is downright scary to contemplate what Ukraine will look like if this war drags on for a few more years. It will simply fall apart., William Burns, who is now the head of the CIA, but was the US ambassador to Moscow at the time of the Bucharest summit, wrote a memo to then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that succinctly describes Russian thinking about this matter. The World Bank estimates that Ukraines economy will shrink by almost 50 percent over the course of 2022. At a broader level, India has been in conflict with its neighbouring country of Pakistan over water disputes, among other political issues. At the same time, President Biden himself hascalledRussias war in Ukraine a genocide and charged Putin with being a war criminal who should face a war crimes trial after the war. But looking on the negative side, most votes today are bought. For starters, one of my principal findings is that leaders do not lie much to each other; they lie more often to their own publics. It allows farmers, hedge funds, and municipalities to hedge against future water availability in California. He was replaced by pro-American Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. This way, all the regions come under the eye and equal development can be achieved for the whole country. However, if some political capital is heritable (e.g., a prominent name or a powerful network), dynastic politics may render elections less effective at selecting good leaders and disciplining them in office. We explore what other causes are there and the major effects of it around the world., Water shortages occur due to a number of factors; one of the biggest drivers of water scarcity is drought. Furthermore, relations between Russia and the West have been so thoroughly poisoned that it will take many years to repair them. According to a respected Russian journalist, Putin flew into a rage, and warned that if Ukraine joins NATO, it will do so without Crimea and the eastern regions. By donating us $100, $50 or subscribe to Boosting $10/month we can get this article and others in front of tens of thousands of specially targeted readers. Ethnicity and Tribalism: Africa is divided into 54 political units called countries and has a population of over 1.3 billion people. A maximum chunk of Indian Politicians with MPs has previous connections to politics. Urbanisation and an exponential increase in freshwater demand for households are both driving factors behind water shortages, especially in regions with a precarious water supply., For example in 2018, Cape Town, South Africa experienced a water crisis and became the first modern city to effectively run out of drinking water as a result of extreme drought, poor water resource management and overconsumption.. understand politics and the exercise of power. The United States operates under a federal presidential representative How should political power be To complicate matters further, how does one deal with the large swaths of Ukrainian territory that Russia has conquered since the war started, as well as Crimeas fate? Intense and prolonged droughts have decimated food crops and caused high rates of livestock deaths, causing food prices to soar. Africa is still tied to the apron strings of her colonial masters as all her policies both economic and otherwise are tailored towards the desires of her colonizers. This is the full text of a speech given on June 16 by John J. Mearsheimer at the European Union Institute (EUI) and published by The National Interest under the headline "The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine Crisis." What kind of effects would it then be resurrecting on a country? So many lives are lost during wars. It is not likely, but certainly possible that American or maybe Polish troops would get pulled into the fighting, which means NATO would literally be at war with Russia. The Songhai Empire, Kanem-Bornu Empire among others come to mind. When the government is not stable and at peace, there is no gainsaying the fact that conflicts will surely rise in such a nation. Two months later in September 2021, the Ukrainian army led Rapid Trident 21, which the U.S. Armydescribedas an annual exercise designed to enhance interoperability among allied and partner nations, to demonstrate units are poised and ready to respond to any crisis. NATOs effort to arm and train Ukraines military explains in good part why it has fared so well against Russian forces in the ongoing war. One often hears the argument that in the eight years between when the crisis broke out in February 2014 and when the war began in February 2022, the United States and its allies paid little attention to bringing Ukraine into NATO. Putin responded by invading Ukraine on Feb. 24of this year. Religion: Mans search for the Divine and supernatural is what is termed as religion. When Africa comes to this consciousness of her unity, it will be very difficult for her to be pillaged by imperialist powers. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This can be achieved only if Africans decide and desire to let go of religious dogmas which lead to fanaticism. President Zelensky, who had never shown much enthusiasm for bringing Ukraine into NATO and who was elected in March 2019 on a platform that called for working with Russia to settle the ongoing crisis, reversed course in early 2021 and not only embraced NATO expansion but also adopted a hardline approach toward Moscow. WebThe excessive use of alcohol is responsible for a significant number of deaths each year. From his perspective, that would be a declaration of war.. More than 6.5 million Ukrainianshave fledthe country, while more than 8 million have been internally displaced. The United Kingdom operates under a constitutional monarchy system. This is the other scenario, according to Avril Haines, where the Russians might turn to nuclear weapons. The Bush administration was the principal architect of that fateful choice, but the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations have doubled down on that policy at every turn and Americas allies have dutifully followed Washingtons lead. But its true that this very system allows them to do corruption. Dynasty politics One of the most negative things about politics is that it follows the dynasty nature. and Friedrich Nietzsche. Leaders who are keen on the development of Africa are overthrown just to give way to a puppet that will do the economic biddings of the West and East. WebPolitical machines offer bribes to government officials (cause) Civil Service Reforms (Act) were passed (effect) High levels of immigration create great demand for food (cause) political movements or interest groups. Although Polish authorities dealt withthese events, they served as a reminder that intervention might be necessary. Estimates are that approximately 100 billion dollars worth of damage has been inflicted on Ukraine and that it will take close to a trillion dollars to rebuild the country. Thanks to the politics, it has been quite deep rooted in the present culture. WebCauses of Dynasties in Democracies Scholars of elite dominance have long noted that the ruling class may be able to perpetuate its power over the less organised masses, even within a democracy (Mosca, 1896; Pareto, 1901; Mills, 1956 ). The two nations have clashed over the control of upstream water barrages and infrastructure projects for decades, which regulated water flow into Pakistan. Answer the question. Intense and prolonged droughts have decimated food crops and caused high rates of livestock deaths, causing food prices to soar. It allows farmers, hedge funds, and municipalities to hedge against future water availability in California. Loss of Lives and Properties: Conflicts in Africa have led to the loss of millions of lives and properties. They engage in guerrilla warfare against the leaders in power demanding for a change of the system. This solution is the will power of the African to change the narrative. We are living in perilous times. For those of you who think this is unlikely, please remember that NATO planned to use nuclear weapons in similar circumstances during the Cold War. In the 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, climate scientists say that groundwater stored in aquifers, which provides 36% of the worlds domestic water supply for over 2 billion people, is highly sensitive to future climate change. The Biden administration has now invested so much in the Ukraine warboth materially and rhetoricallythat a Russian victory would represent a devastating defeat for Washington. Till this day, there still exists massive distrust and animosity among members of these ethnic groups in Nigeria. political and social challenges. The Rwadan genocide saw to the loss of over 1 million lives. In December 2017, the Trump administration decided toprovide Kyivwith defensive weapons. Other NATO countries soon got into the act, shipping even more weapons to Ukraine. In the earlier times, it was Aristocracy that followed. The April 2008 decision to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO was destined to lead to conflict with Russia. It should be noted that political systems and ideologies are not mutually Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC, is a Law Student and a Certified Mediator/Conciliator in Nigeria. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They would commit voter fraud when enough votes couldn't be bought, including having voters vote multiple times and fake names. But that outcome is unacceptable to the Biden administration and a large portion of the American foreign policy establishment, because it would represent a victory for Russia. The Nigeria-Biafra war of 1967-1970 has tribal differences as one of the major causes as it was mainly between the Igbo dominated Eastern Region and the other tribes (Hausa/Fulani and Yoruba) of the North and West.