"Steam and Conversation" (2x09) The following morning, Caleb attempted to Teleport the Tombtakers' threshold crest to the Rexxentrum Cobalt Soul. [86], Caleb figured out to how open the Happy Fun Ball of Tricks and accidentally transported the party into Halas's manor. See a recent Tumblr post from @ Nightythemein About C2E133. Later on, the Mighty Nein came across the Rejuvenation Chamber, within which Essek and Caleb sensed dunamis energy. She replied that she just wanted him to be okay, and if that meant killing Trent Ikithon, she was fine taking care of that first. Everyone's favorite angsty wizard, Caleb Widogast, has come a long way in the 123 episodes of Critical Role 's second campaign. With only 25 gold left over for copying, his unrevealed 1st-level spell has to be transmutation. Caleb, Beau, and Caduceus all urged her to consider acting only against those responsible for actions taken against the Dynasty, and not the common people of the Empire. You were always so good." Character Information After asking her for advice regarding social situations, Yasha listed off a few things that she believed would make people like Caleb more (which he wrote down) and shaved his face with her sword after Caleb mentioned that he missed being cleanly shaven. The Nein joined the fray; Caleb cast Wall of Fire, and the mage attempted to Counterspell, but Caleb successfully counter-counterspelled. Caleb reassured her that she was working toward something good by helping to make the Empire safe again for her family; he didn't judge her, but she was the one who had to find the answers to her questions herself. This inevitably leads to him being . Caleb suggested continuing to facilitate the peace negotiations and then afterwards, surgically removing the problem after the fact, saying he wanted the murderers removed from power in his country because he was tired of children being thrown on the pyre. And their final test was to kill their own flesh and blood. Fan art of Caleb at his parents' graves, by Ana Fedina. "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained" (2x122) [art 42], Yes, I was trained to be a terrible person. That night, as he slept in a cellar under the Leaky Tap and guarded the beacon, Caleb had a strange dream about possible future Calebs. Though Jester healed him, Caleb passed out from blood loss, shouting "take them out!" Critter blog keeping track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role. "A Dangerous Chase" (2x64) The Scourger finally turned to look at him; she was not Astrid, but she smiled and said, "I've heard things about you, Bren. [159] When the Mighty Nein returned to Rexxentrum after Traveler Con, Caleb and the group received an invitation from Trent Ikithon to have dinner with him, Astrid, and Eadwulf at Trent's home in The Candles. Jester cast Cure Wounds on Caleb, bringing him back up, but the minotaur's lightning lance put him out for the fourth time in the encounter. "[119], Fan art of Beauregard and Caleb, by Aurex Aldori. Caleb removed and put away the bandages on his arms, saying that there was no longer anything to hide. Nott gave Caleb a Scroll of Invisibility and shared a bit about her old life with him. She often includes him in conversation, teases him, and tries to cheer him up. Fan art of Caleb, by Nikki Dawes. and Caleb eventually told her, "It's too late.". [art 39]. Caleb helped convince Essek to teleport them a second time by apologizing and placing a hand on Esseks forearm. In the fight with the froghemoth, Caleb debuted a spell of his own creation: Widogast's Web of Fire. [45][46][47] His focus was frequently on allowing the others in the group to be with their own families as much as possible, and he took the time to understand each of their desires and memories. He then successfully Polymorphed it into a sea slug. Does anyone have a source that shows the character sheets or stats as they would have been way back in the first episode? HP As a 17th-level wizard, Caleb knows five cantrips, and his spellbook contains at least 38 spells. In an attempt to lure Vokodo out of his lair, Caleb set fire to several ships of his armada. "Cornered" (2x53) [art 10]. [64] Nott blamed herself for their inability to stay in any place for long without getting into trouble. He is played by Liam O'Brien. In the evening, in order to provide Jester information for potential Scrys, Caleb used Seeming to make himself look like Trent Ikithon, Beau like Astrid, Fjord like Eadwulf, Nott like Vess DeRogna, and Caduceus like Jenna Iresor (another Assembly member). While exploring the temple interior, the party discovered inscriptions on the walls that couldn't be deciphered, even with Comprehend Languages. When Caleb dissociated after burning a man to death in a gnoll lair, Mollymauk doused the flames, slapped Caleb in the face and encouraged him to deal with those feelings later. Ads by Longitude. "The Gates of Zadash" (2x08) Now, she loved him, but then, she was hoping he'd become powerful enough to kill her and change her body in the same way as was done to her previously. [164] Gradually, it was revealed that his long term goal when he met the Mighty Nein had been to change time to erase his murder of his parents. The rest of the party looked meaningfully at Caleb when Essek mentioned that time was one of his specialties. Caleb avoided answering any questions when the group interrogated Molly about his amnesia under a Zone of Truth. Caleb saw Eadwulf at the Vergesson Sanatorium when the Mighty Nein were checking on the Luxon beacon held there. "Welcome to the Jungle" (2x38) After the Mighty Nein's fight with Thuron in the sewers of Zadash, Caleb tried to Identify the dodecahedron-shaped object they recovered from him. Later that evening, Caleb cast the Tower and gave Essek a tour, leading him up to the ninth floor. Caleb and Eadwulf agreed that it was good to see one another again. [87] Nott, however, began unlocking several books which she took, and Caleb stayed with her while urging that they needed to join the others who had already passed through the window to join Fjord.[88]. Character Design Inspiration Dnd Characters *Primeira Temporada* Durante o pice das invases vikings, Meine, um elfo albino, capturado em uma excurso nrdica e vendido em um leilo de escravos. After scuffling with a few cultists, Caleb got the How do you want to do this? Caleb's main goal was, as it had been since the beginning of the campaign, to atone for his past. turn to roll and join Adventure with this Caleb Widogast inspired Collar of charm! [117] Later, she said she had been attracted to him when they first met, but no longer feels that way about him. While Caleb remained in Rexxentrum, teaching bright private students who had not been accepted at the Soltryce Academy and occasionally giving guest lectures there, he and Beauregard had attuned sending stones so he could communicate with her at her home in Zadash. He revealed that his second holstered book was a series of letters written to them, and Teleported it into the earth between them. [55] All three of the students were also trained to interrogate and execute dissidents to the Empire as Volstrucker, or "Scourgers". During the battle, a deep scion managed to dispel Caleb's Vault of Amber, causing all the contents, including the cloven crystal, to spill out onto the deck. 7 level 2 Shortly after returning from Eiselcross, Caleb visited his parents Una and Leofric's grave in Blumenthal for the first time. "Stalker in the Swamp" (2x21) Trent Ikithon appeared with Astrid and Eadwulf, and after a battle during which Astrid joined the party in fighting Trent, he was defeated when Beau placed the Collar of Silence around his neck and Astrid activated it. Am like them. "Dubious Pursuits" (2x40) Back in Rosohna, Caleb asked Yasha to order him a set of Kryn-style clothing, including a purple coat. [111], Though Frumpkin has died on multiple occasions, this does not seem to bother Caleb or Frumpkin. And they did so. [28] Caleb smeared mud on his face when Jester demeaned the amount of money his parents made. [168] Caleb accepted Ikithon's invitation to dinner with the Mighty Nein, Ikithon, Astrid, and Eadwulf present, and Ikithon insinuated that Caleb's mental healing and escape from the Vergesson Sanatorium had been orchestrated by Ikithon to strengthen Caleb's potential as an eventual Cerberus Assembly member,[169] even if that meant he would attempt to kill Ikithon. 10 [104], Fan art of Caleb and Frumpkin, by saturdaysky. Caleb told Jester it was okay if she wanted to keep the running joke going. The Mighty Nein met Shadowhand Essek Thelyss for the first time, who led them to the prison where Yeza was being held. Character Design Inspiration. Stream [120][121][122], Caleb has been "a little in love" with Jester since their waltz in "The Hour of Honor" (2x24), although he regards his feelings as "useless" and "a problem" and feels that either Beau or Fjord would be better for her. Type While trekking across Eiselcross, Caleb was distracted by a mysterious necrotic gem lodged in a pillar, and used several high-level spell slots in an unsuccessful attempt to remove it. Character Art. Sheet Music All Movies . [94], As revealed in "Fond Farewells" (2x141), Caleb continued to work with the Cobalt Soul to deal with the Cerberus Assembly. [162] While spending downtime in the Archive of the Cobalt Soul in Zadash, Caleb researched methods of controlling time. Caleb is the first player character on Critical Role to roll a Natural 20 while attacking himself. The Mighty Nein met with Ludinus Da'leth in order to negotiate terms for peace talks with the Dynasty. Beau discovered a half-burned spellbook in Siff Duthar's laboratory, which she gave to Caleb. "Between the Lines" (2x78) [112] He has let Nott eat Frumpkin twice. on the Laughing Hand with Widogast's Web of Fire. Caleb and Yasha have similar tragic backgrounds, feeling responsible for the death of a loved one. Below are the player character stats as they have been most recently updated on the show. During the fight with Avantika, Caleb attempted to flee but was knocked unconscious. Caleb summoned Frumpkin, with four globules of light floating around him, saying he was the "Fey King" who would curse them for decades. [167] However, after they encountered Ikithon in their audience before King Dwendal, he stated that although he had imagined choking the life from Ikithon, he now thought they needed to work with him. This book contained letters that he had written to them while traveling with the Mighty Nein. Stockholm U Bahn Plan Pdf, Jura Praktikum Bayern, Moxie What Was Lucy In The List, , Fakulteti I Inxhinierise Elektrike, , Jura Praktikum Bayern, Moxie What Was Lucy In The List, , Fakulteti I Inxhinierise After reading from Lucien's cursed tome,[31] Caleb had a dream from the Somnovem and became marked with a red eye tattoo on his right shoulder, similar to Lucien's tattoos. "The Second Seal" (2x47) "The Folding Halls" (2x80) Jester has never mentioned romantic feelings towards Caleb, but cares a lot about him platonically. As the Mighty Nein made for the sewers, there was an implosion at the top of the Zauber Spire, distracting the Crownsguard. As the party entered, Caleb heard the voice of the succubus in his head say, "Light them up, pretty." When Vokodo attempted to cast Chain Lightning, Caleb was able to successfully Counterspell it. Caleb and Yasha are friends. When the party fell asleep that night, Caleb and Beau shared a dream of a massive glowing red eye that peered into them, while the sound of thousands of voices and screams, saying, "Welcome" echoed in their minds. One of the first indications of his goals was his hope that he would not let his parents down. Caleb left the case, but Nott managed to steal it for him without Fjord noticing. In order to read the inscriptions, Caleb ate a psychedelic fruit. Immediately before graduation, they returned home to Blumenthal, where they each overheard their parents planning treason against the Dwendalian Empire. "Fetching Fables & Frosty Friends" (2x115) Essek said he didnt want to change a thing about his past, since his mistakes had led him to be here with Caleb. Astrid, Eadwulf, and Bren were all from the small farming community of Blumenthal in the Zemni Fields of the Dwendalian Empire, although they didnt know each other before being selected to attend the Soltryce Academy in Rexxentrum. [art 37], Caleb and Essek are lifelong friends, and are romantic partners after the end of the campaign. Caleb later gave the book (a Manual of Gainful Exercise) to Fjord. ", "You were always a better dancer than me, Astrid. [29], Caleb has shifted towards being clean-shaven, tasking Yasha with aiding him in shaving in "Stalker in the Swamp" (2x21) and switching to a razor when she cut him in "Wood and Steel" (2x58). [165] In "Fond Farewells" (2x141), Caleb destroyed the T-dock chamber in Aeor, removing the possibility of time travel for himself and future adventurers. Concept art for Caleb's original 2018 portrait, by, Concept art for Caleb's 2019 portrait, by, Concept art for Caleb's 2020 portrait, by. Later that night, Caleb told Nott that if she ever wanted to talk about her past, she could always come to him. Beau said she was pretty busy worrying about this life, but she would probably be joining him there in not-great. She explained that he started lashing out violently at her and others as well, showing him the burn scars on her neck. Caleb likes Yasha due to their similar personalities and mutual dislike of, and uncomfortableness with, close contact[136]. "From Door to Door" (2x81) Then, using the address given by the letter received by Nott and Jester in response to their letter seeking information about Astrid, Caleb was able to find her home. *Tunic not included* Scarf for cosplaying Caleb Widogast from Critical Role. "Dockside Diplomacy" (2x35) Soon after, Essek arrived in disguise on a visit, giving Caleb a kiss as he asked to hear about the defeat of Uk'otoa. He didn't know how long the road would be, and it was her choice whether to take the time she had now to be with her boy, or continue adventuring in hopes of an answer in the future. She suggested good hygiene as a start. He replied that he cared for her, but it had been a very long time. "Into the Eye" (2x131) When Fjord confessed to the party that he had broken his pact with Uk'otoa and was now powerless, Caleb gave Fjord his Glove of Blasting. [12][13][14][15][16][17] [60] Caleb came up with their escape plan, using Frumpkin to bring a piece of wire into their cell which Nott used to pick the lock. When the Mistake began sinking due to a puncture in the hull, Caleb cast Leomund's Tiny Hut to seal the breach. He admitted for the first time that his real name was Bren Aldric Ermendrud. "Perspective" (2x59) Caleb is reserved, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself or his companion Nott. While on the Wind of Aeons, the party was introduced to the apparently nervous Lord Desran Thain. Overjoyed, he pulled both of them into a huge hug. After being gifted Melora's boon, Fjord asked Caleb if he wanted the Glove of Blasting back. He proposed taking Vess DeRogna's job offer to explore Eiselcross. [157], While in Rexxentrum, Caleb went privately to see Astrid at her home. Human Male "I love me some Widogast #criticalrolefanart #CriticalRole #Caleb @CriticalRole" . A book of letters to Una and Leofric Ermendrud. "[67], Fan art of Caleb, Nott, and Frumpkin, by Andreas Provoost. Jester and Caleb found the Tri-Spire and attempted to enter. Last update: The Mighty Nein ReunitedOfficial character card art by @ornerine. Aldric comes from a Germanic name, derived from the elements, Ermendrud is Germanic as well, derived from the elements, Caleb came up with the adventuring party's name the, During the early campaign, a common fan theory speculated Caleb was a. Caleb once claimed to have invented the club-and-ball sport known as "golf". [59], Fan art of Caleb and Nott, by Lost Acumen. 12 Places Caleb assisted in the humiliation of Foreman Bodo by casting Seeming on the party, turning them all into Bodo or his mistress. Caleb participated in both the Sutan and Prucine heists that night. However, it has since evolved. Nott threw a keg of black powder then Caleb caused an explosion by casting Scorching Ray on it.[78]. He's broken, he's traumatized, but he's doing his best. Caleb went with Beau and Jester to meet with a disguised Dairon. When it came out that Caleb was a wizard, Jester asked him if he was planning on attending the Soltryce Academy. "Sarsaparilla, Licorice, and Red Hot" (2x127) As the pursuing Volstrucker and Trent broke in below, Caleb cast Plane Shift which Astrid, arriving right as the spell was being cast, chose not to Counterspell. Name "The Tortoise and The Dare" (2x117) Jester asked Caleb if that meant that Essek was "coming onto" him, to which Caleb telepathically replied, "It's complicated.". Welcome back." Later, Caleb and the party met Astrid at the beer hall. Your letter will be around 250 words long, size a5. Caleb got to experience the ocean for the first time, saying that it reminded him of his personal experiences with the beacon. During their escape, Caleb set the ship and part of the dock on fire. DC They discussed their goals and the possibility of atonement. He then cast Widogast's Nascent Nein-Sided Tower, lovingly customized for Beau and Yasha's date. In the Dungeon of Penance, Caleb spoke to the Scourger in Zemnian, however she was resigned and uncooperative. "Lost Treasures" (2x22) Before setting sail for the peace talks, the Mighty Nein decided to speak with the Cerberus Assembly delegates. Caleb was uncomfortable with the prospect of seeing Empress Kryn. Just go with it." After Caduceus purged the final cloven crystal from Fjord's body, Caleb sealed the orb in his Vault of Amber. Caleb read from the Scroll of Invisibility and led the way through the Sour Nest. After a long, hard battle against the Iron Shepherds, Caleb got the How do you want to do this? But I'm not going to risk all of you right now., Caleb's intelligence is one of the highest for any player character, tied with. After a few minutes of waltzing, Caleb drunkenly said to Jester, "You were always a better dancer than me, Astrid. [art 17], "In Hot Water" (2x43) Caleb is a red-haired wizard. [173] In Caleb's epilogue, he fulfilled this dream. She has several times admitted to him her doubts and fears that she hides from the rest of the party.[125][126][127]. Critter blog keeping track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role. [art 21]. "The Fancy and the Fooled" (2x97) "Waste and Webs" (2x10) 20 Finally, he asked, "Do you know Bren Aldric Ermendrud?" But he has never put the idea away, not entirely. Molly and Fjord went in first, making a large ruckus, but Caleb and Nott were accosted by Ren. He also has two unusual languages (Sylvan and Celestial) and only 1 is from being Human. When describing the material components for the spell, Some of the aliases used by Bren Ermendrud prior to meeting Nott and assuming the name Caleb Widogast, were: Trevor Albrecht, Collin Kramer, Eren Andermeier, Phillip Sommer, and Max Degenhardt (as listed in. "Labenda Awaits" (2x20) Caleb recognized that Kiri was a kenku and gave her Frumpkin to comfort her. He asked her what had happened after he broke, since he has no memories after his home burned. [57] During this time, Caleb discovered that people did not pay attention to poor, dirty wanderers and maintained a disheveled appearance to escape notice. "The Journey Home" (2x30) He has taught her many magic tricks, and when she started creating her own spells, he was very impressed and proud of her. He told the party that he needed to stop for the night, and Beau commented that he made vulnerability look easy. Caleb and Beau discovered the eyes were giving them additional abilities, including darkvision and mild telepathy. [art 36], At the Diver's Grave, Fjord was curious about the purpose and power of Dashilla's altar, and urged Caleb to explore it. It's been years since he broke his family to pieces. Caleb has shown trust in Beauregard numerous times by choosing to hang onto her shoulder while his senses were transferred into his companion, Frumpkin. Caleb immediately attempted to attack, but Trent was unfazed. Caleb Polymorphed into a bat and joined the rest of the party inside the Tumblecarve house. # LIAM I could use it. While taking a watch that night, Caleb noticed that Jester and Fjord were now in a relationship. That evening, Caleb told Nott once again that she could talk to him, if she wanted. And Essek who Caleb thought was so, like, intellectually attractive and sexually attractive, and he was really drawn to him, but that was . In the aftermath of Vokodo's defeat, Caleb and Yasha shared a moment. Caleb saved Fjord's life by Counterspelling the deep scion's attempt to Dimension Door away with Fjord's body. A small turtle statue sculpted by Jester as a child. Fan art of Caleb's Kryn outfit, by Lalou. Caleb let her copy the glyphs, only showing her where they went and guiding her hand on the tougher symbols. The party reluctantly attacked Caleb, realizing he'd been charmed, and he cast a Wall of Fire to defend himself. Click here for the Mighty Nein Character Level Updates, by party level or by individual character. Spurt card art by @capefoxalix. Caleb told Astrid that he still cared for her- or at least, for his memory of her. He'll 100% avoid something that he doesn't like rather than deal with it. While voyaging to Eiselcross, the party were attacked by more minions of Uk'otoa. We approach an important moment in this campaign as Critical Role's anniversary also approaches! [115], Fan art of Veth hugging Caleb, by BlackSalander. Languages ", "I'm a dirty hobo and I reek of yesterday's garbage. Apparently alone, Nott told Caleb that she had a confession: a while back, she wrote a letter to Astrid. He awkwardly gave her a hug, saying, "I don't know what I'm doing. Caleb - He's a variant human and is proficient in (at least) Arcana, History, Insight, and Investigation. ", "I am going to tell you the story of how I murdered my mother and father. She let them off without penalty. "A Heart Grown Cold" (2x113) "Rebirth" (2x139) While exploring underwater, Caleb had Frumpkin in octopus form wrap around his head and saw through his familiar's vision. Humanoid Also known as Although Beau is much more expressive and confrontational, they share a similar awkwardness in social situations. Fjord said he knew that Caleb had done terrible things, but he saw a good man and a good friend, and that the party would look to Caleb for cues on how to deal with the Assembly.[135]. While he thought Avantika was sleeping, Caleb sent Frumpkin to sit on her dagger and tried to cast Identify on it through Frumpkin. Afterwards, Jester told Caleb she was there for him if he wanted to talk and paid for the paper necessary to transcribe Caleb's new spells. However, he was unwilling to cross the ominous threshold of further understanding and did not fully identify it. # LAURA Ish, it's quiet-ish . After the events of Campaign 2, Caleb Widogast builds a legacy as a teacher and legal activist against the corruption within the Cerberus Assembly, Soltryce Academy, and other government corruption. [art 9], When Bren was around 17, as a test of his three students' loyalty, Trent modified their memories so they believed that their parents had betrayed the empire. # LAURA Put it on, Caleb. Caleb "showboated" as he Flew past Essek, prompting the latter to also cast Fly and showboat along with him. Whether the Gentleman saw this as a betrayal on Caleb's part is unclear. "Lost & Found" (2x13) [art 12]. Caleb suggested that all they could do is try to leave something better in the world. When Essek insisted that it was too late for redemption, Caleb kissed him on the forehead and told him that although they may both be damned, they could "choose to do something and leave it better than it was before.