Finally, in 1870 the Regency offered the crown to Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, a prince of the Catholic cadet Hohenzollern line. The Revolution of 1848 brought some liberal reforms to Prussia, such as the ability of the parliament to obstruct certain forms of taxation. In the first half of the 1860s, Austria and Prussia both contended to speak for the German states; both maintained they could support German interests abroad and protect German interests at home. While the liberals failed to achieve the unification they sought, they did manage to gain a partial victory by working with the German princes on many constitutional issues and collaborating with them on reforms. This digital interactive notebook for World History & AP Euro . During the Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras, many of the previously strong barriers between Jews and Christians broke down. [19], The assassination of German dramatist August von Kotzebue in March 1819 by a radical student seeking unification was followed on 20 September 1819 by the proclamation of the Carlsbad Decrees, which hampered intellectual leadership of the nationalist movement. Austria's sphere expanded throughout much of the Central European territories formerly held by the Holy Roman Empire. Sheehan, pp. Bismarck used the nationalist movement to increase Prussia's power and began working to eliminate foreign influence, much like the process of unification in Italy. That Obama wanted Merkel to stay on during what he foresaw would be a chaotic period under Trump was not only due to her formidable skills - it was. The states south of the Main River (Baden, Wrttemberg, and Bavaria) signed separate treaties requiring them to pay indemnities and to form alliances bringing them into Prussia's sphere of influence. In addition, a large part of Poland had been part of Prussia since the eighteenth century. The Zollverein freed trade between most of the German states, with the exception of Austria. Diplomatic attempts to have the November Constitution repealed collapsed, and fighting began when Prussian and Austrian troops crossed the Eider river on 1 February 1864. After a number of battles, notably Spicheren, Wrth, Mars la Tour, and Gravelotte, the Prussians defeated the main French armies and advanced on the primary city of Metz and the French capital of Paris. It realized the Kleindeutsche Lsung ("Lesser German Solution", with the exclusion of Austria) as opposed to a Grodeutsche Lsung or "Greater German Solution", which would have included Austria. These lands made up the territory of the Holy Roman Empire, which at times included more than 1,000 entities. The Peace of Prague sealed the dissolution of the German Confederation. However, in 1876 the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), a Marxist party of workers, was formed. They captured Napoleon III and took an entire army as prisoners at Sedan on 1 September 1870. Italian and German Unification: Crash Course European History #27 Despite the legal, administrative, and political disruption caused by the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, the German-speaking people of the old Empire had a common linguistic, cultural, and legal tradition. Analyze the factors that prevented the development of a unified German state in the 16th and 17th centuries (2007) Both political and religious factors prevented the development of a unified German state in the 16th and 17th centuries. Ap euro 21 - lecture notes; Ap euro 23 - lecture notes; Ap euro 24 - lecture notes; Ap euro 25 - lecture notes; Ap euro 26 - lecture notes; . The Prussian cavalry pursued the defeated French in the evening of 18 June, sealing the allied victory. The Congress established a loose German Confederation (18151866), headed by Austria, with a "Federal Diet" (called the Bundestag or Bundesversammlung, an assembly of appointed leaders) that met in the city of Frankfurt am Main. The Prussian cabinet saw German unity as an issue of power and a question of who had the strength and will to wield that power. Bismarck's path to unification came through diplomacy and war. Protestants, Catholics and Jews in Germany, 1800-1914. The Hambach rhetoric emphasized the overall peaceable nature of German nationalism: the point was not to build barricades, a very "French" form of nationalism, but to build emotional bridges between groups. The unifications wouldn't have been achieved without the help of men and historical circumstances. Edit. [9] This interpretation became a key building block of the Borussian myth expounded by the pro-Prussian nationalist historians later in the 19th century. Agitation by student organizations led such conservative leaders as Klemens Wenzel, Prince von Metternich, to fear the rise of national sentiment. [2] Following the formal secession from the Empire of the majority of its constituent states, the Emperor dissolved the Holy Roman Empire.[3]. The prince withdrew as a candidate, thus defusing the crisis, but the French ambassador to Berlin would not let the issue lie. Save Paper; Otto Von Bismarck - His Policies Of German Unification. Played 22 times. The German Confederation could use the ethnicities of the area as a rallying cry: Holstein and Lauenburg were largely of German origin and spoke German in everyday life, while Schleswig had a significant Danish population and history. [110], The Sonderweg hypothesis attributed Germany's difficult 20th century to the weak political, legal, and economic basis of the new empire. [29], Formation of the Zollverein, an institution key to unifying the German states economically, helped to create a larger sense of economic unification. In James Retallack, ed., Saxony in German History: Culture, Society, and Politics, 1830-1933. 47 and Conclusion. Italian and German Unification Secondary Sources SOURCE 1: Excerpt from Raymond Grew, A Sterner Plan for Italian Unity, 1963, pp. Dahlmann himself died before unification, but he laid the groundwork for the nationalist histories to come through his histories of the English and French revolutions, by casting these revolutions as fundamental to the construction of a nation, and Dahlmann himself viewed Prussia as the logical agent of unification. The post Cold War reunification of Germany in 1990 seemed such a natural consequence of the end of the Cold War and the collapse of Soviet power in Eastern Europe that it is easy to forget that Germany had a fairly brief life span as a unified nation-state. [49] Furthermore, this argument maintains, the "failure" of 1848 reaffirmed latent aristocratic longings among the German middle class; consequently, this group never developed a self-conscious program of modernization. My three part lecture on German Unification covers the complete unification process, starting with the failure of liberal nationalism after the Revolutions of 1848 and then focusing on Otto von Bismarck's domestic and foreign policies that put Prussia at the helm of a unified German state through the shrewd application of realpolitik . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. The four major reasons behind the unification of Germany are the role of Bismark, the strength of the Prussian economy, the decline of Austria, and the military power of Prussia. Several hapless Hambach speakers were arrested, tried and imprisoned; one, Karl Heinrich Brggemann (18101887), a law student and representative of the secretive Burschenschaft, was sent to Prussia, where he was first condemned to death, but later pardoned. Italy had its own way of unifying. [31], By the early 19th century, German roads had deteriorated to an appalling extent. [95], The reorganization of the military by von Roon and the operational strategy of Moltke combined against France to great effect. Moreover, it is a useful case study for the broader concept of "nationalism" as a historical agent. Guy, Monika Chavez, Thomas A. Lovik Ap euro 30 - lecture notes - I a th eERXypROoEfFtCSh 0 The age of ' i Download The Marshall Cavendish Illustrated Encyclopedia of World War I - 11 PDF [97] "In the days after Sedan, Prussian envoys met with the French and demanded a large cash indemnity as well as the cession of Alsace and Lorraine. Chapter 19 AP Euro DRAFT. [13] Ever since the Prince-Elector of Brandenburg had made himself King in Prussia at the beginning of that century, their domains had steadily increased through inheritance and war. The question became not a matter of if but rather when unification would occur, and when was contingent upon strength. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. Unification of German States - Countries - Office of the Historian Throughout the subsequent decades, beginning almost immediately after the defeat of the French, reaction against the mixing of Jews and Christians limited the intellectual impact of these salons. Stasi German Teaching Resources | TPT [99] Nevertheless, in January, the Germans fired some 12,000 shells, 300400 grenades daily into the city. Ap Euro Bismarck Teaching Resources | TPT Historians debate whether Otto von BismarckMinister President of Prussiahad a master plan to expand the North German Confederation of 1866 to include the remaining independent German states into a single entity or simply to expand the power of the Kingdom of Prussia. On 1 May, Wilhelm gave von Moltke command over the Prussian armed forces, and the next day he began full-scale mobilization. With skilful manipulation of European politics, Bismarck created a situation in which France would play the role of aggressor in German affairs, while Prussia would play that of the protector of German rights and liberties.[90]. The operas are based on an ancient German myth, and Wagner hoped that the retelling of this myth in modern operatic form would foster a spirit of German nationalism. Although many Catholics sympathized with conservative politics, Bismarck viewed Roman Catholicism, with its purported loyalty to a Roman pontiff, as a potential weakness to the German state. PDF {EBOOK} Nebosh Certificate Unit Ncc1 Managing And Controlling Hazards The Unification of Germany and Italy - Students of History [61], King Frederick William IV suffered a stroke in 1857 and could no longer rule. The wave of nationalism that raced through Europe in the nineteenth century resulted in the unifications of Germany and Italy. AP European History. Garibaldi looked to Germany for the "kind of leadership [that], in the true tradition of medieval chivalry, would devote itself to redressing wrongs, supporting the weak, sacrificing momentary gains and material advantage for the much finer and more satisfying achievement of relieving the suffering of our fellow men. The Catholic Center Party remained particularly well entrenched in the Catholic strongholds of Bavaria and southern Baden, and in urban areas that held high populations of displaced rural workers seeking jobs in the heavy industry, and sought to protect the rights not only of Catholics, but other minorities, including the Poles, and the French minorities in the Alsatian lands. In his first two wars, Bismarck balanced Russian and French concerns over the growing power of Prussia. [111], Additional studies of different groups in Wilhelmine Germany have all contributed to a new view of the period. AP European History Mr. Trinkner Boulder High School DBQ: German Unification Question: Weigh the relative importance of German nationalism and Prussian political aspirations in the unification of Germany. The German Conquest of France in 18701871. Scribner, Robert W. and Sheilagh C. Ogilvie. The states ranged in size from the small and complex territories of the princely Hohenlohe family branches to sizable, well-defined territories such as the Electorate of Bavaria, the Margraviate of Brandenburg or the Kingdom of Bohemia. The Congregations Law of 1875 abolished religious orders, ended state subsidies to the Catholic Church, and removed religious protections from the Prussian constitution. acted as unofficial portfolio ministers. a. the german reichstag forced otto von bismarck to resign as chancellor. [17] In this context, one can detect its roots in the experience of Germans in the Napoleonic period. N. Korea wants more control over farming amid food shortage While Bismarck provided some liberal concessions, such as universal male suffrage, the constitution of the Empire ensured Prussian and aristocratic dominance in the legislature. 9th Edition. Furthermore, elections were generally free of chicanery, engendering pride in the national parliament. The victory over France in 1871 expanded Prussian hegemony in the German states (aside from Austria) to the international level. [104] Although Bismarck had led the transformation of Germany from a loose confederation into a federal nation state, he had not done it alone. Finally, Francefearing Hohenzollern encirclementdeclared war on Prussia in 1870, resulting in the Franco-Prussian War. AP European History - Crimean War in 3 Minutes MindTap: The France of Napoleon . Richard Wagner (181383) is one of the most controversial composers of the nineteenth century. The Prussian war cabinet understood that its only supporters among the German states against the Habsburgs were two small principalities bordering on Brandenburg that had little military strength or political clout: the Grand Duchies of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Plus, it's packed with the women's World Cup [51] Instead, modern historians claim 1848 saw specific achievements by the liberal politicians. 0. [39], As travel became easier, faster, and less expensive, Germans started to see unity in factors other than their language. In 1848, nationalists sought to remedy that problem. This limited union under Prussia would have almost eliminated Austrian influence on the other German states. The reason is that the world lacks a nation [that] possesses true leadership. Meanwhile, Helmuth von Moltke had become chief of the Prussian General Staff in 1857, and Albrecht von Roon would become Prussian Minister of War in 1859. Eastern Junker power had a counterweight in the western provinces in the form of the Grand Bourgeoisie and in the growing professional class of bureaucrats, teachers, professors, doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc. The possibility of German (or Italian) unification would overturn the overlapping spheres of influence system created in 1815 at the Congress of Vienna. 465 -466 During the first half of the nineteenth century, nationalism was most often connected to liberalism. of Prints and Drawings, and Susan Lambert. AP Euro & World History Lecture: Italian & German Unification by Ye Olde History Shoppe 4.5 (2) $3.00 Google Slides This presentation includes checks for understanding and points of discussion: Everything you need to teach and review GERMAN & ITALIAN UNIFICATION with your AP European History or World History classes. [19] Metternich was able to harness conservative outrage at the assassination to consolidate legislation that would further limit the press and constrain the rising liberal and nationalist movements. However, proponents of Kleindeutsch, Lesser Germany, argued that Austria should be excluded from unification due to dynastic rivalry between the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs and the cultural differences between a mostly Protestant Prussia and Catholic Austria. Although an arch-conservative, Bismarck. G.Wawro. [85], The Peace of Prague offered lenient terms to Austria but its relationship with the new nation-state of Italy underwent major restructuring. The religious reform movement among German Jews reflected this effort. Bismarck sought to link a unified state to the Hohenzollern dynasty, which for some historians remains one of Bismarck's primary contributions to the creation of the German Empire in 1871. [41], The words of August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben expressed not only the linguistic unity of the German people but also their geographic unity. In 1870 Italy and Germany were unified. The decrees were the subject of Johann Joseph von Grres's pamphlet Teutschland [archaic: Deutschland] und die Revolution (Germany and the Revolution) (1820), in which he concluded that it was both impossible and undesirable to repress the free utterance of public opinion by reactionary measures. We need a nation courageous enough to give us a lead in this direction. [21], At the Wartburg Festival in 1817 the first real movements among the students were formed - fraternities and student organizations emerged. Thus, by 1836, all states to the south of Prussia had joined the Customs Union, except Austria. An overview of nineteenth-century German history, including unification and related religious, regional, and ethnic tensions. [59], Other nationalists had high hopes for the German unification movement, and the frustration with lasting German unification after 1850 seemed to set the national movement back. Austria and the German Unification : Napoleon 's German Confederation, concerns Metternich about German unification, he works hard to prevent, I 819 : Karls bad Decrees : cracked down an liberalism and . By 1914, the SPD's 3 million members made it the largest party in Germany. Bismarck had "cut his teeth" on German politics, and German politicians, in Frankfurt: a quintessential politician, Bismarck had built his power-base by absorbing and co-opting measures from throughout the political spectrum. Ap euro 21 - lecture notes; Ap euro 23 - lecture notes; Ap euro 24 - lecture notes; Ap euro 25 - lecture notes; Ap euro 26 - lecture notes . Convinced that opera and music developed a spirit of nationalism, Wagner rejected the traditional design of theaters in which the nobility and wealthy sat in the loge boxes facing each other rather than the stage. Unification of Germany 1. The overall content of the speeches suggested a fundamental difference between the German nationalism of the 1830s and the French nationalism of the July Revolution: the focus of German nationalism lay in the education of the people; once the populace was educated as to what was needed, they would accomplish it. [114] In the new German nation, a Kulturkampf (187278) that followed political, economic, and administrative unification attempted to address, with a remarkable lack of success, some of the contradictions in German society. Rail travel changed how cities looked and how people traveled. [53] Since the end of the 1990s, this view has become widely accepted, although some historians still find the Sonderweg analysis helpful in understanding the period of National Socialism. The second war of German unification was the 1866 Austro-Prussian War, which settled the question of "smaller" versus "greater" Germany. [52] This new argument further challenges the norms of the British-centric model of development: studies of national development in Britain and other "normal" states (e.g., France or the United States) have suggested that even in these cases, the modern nation-state did not develop evenly. Many of the problems related to poverty (such as illness, overcrowded housing, unemployment, school absenteeism, refusal to learn German, etc.) [63], The Crimean War of 185455 and the Italian War of 1859 disrupted relations among Great Britain, France, Austria, and Russia. There are Kingdoms and Grand Duchies, and Duchies and Principalities, inhabited by Germans, and each [is] separately ruled by an independent sovereign with all the machinery of State. [116] The May Laws of 1873 brought the appointment of priests, and their education, under the control of the state, resulting in the closure of many seminaries, and a shortage of priests. That is a short German unification summary, but the process was complex, and you can learn more about it by looking at the German unification timeline and detailed account of the wars of . German politicians also targeted Jews as disloyal outsiders, although most of Germany's Jewish population voted for mainstream liberal or conservative politicians preferring assimilation into the political system rather than organizing into a separate political party. The "Witch. Economic success, political failure, and diplomatic tension marked the idea of a unified Germany in the period after the Napoleonic Wars. Expand All The theater is in complete darkness as a long, sustained E-flat is played. The Blog @ - In responding to the Schleswig-Holstein Question, they both proved equally diligent in doing so. Italian Unification: AP European History Crash Course - Albert Resources 9-8 Points Thesis is clearly stated and addresses BOTH statesmen and compares and contrasts their methods of unification. The economic strength of Prussia was one of the most important reasons behind the unification of Germany. The full text of Wagner's essay is available online. Although some of the outlying German provinces were not serviced by rail until the 1890s, the majority of the population, manufacturing centers, and production centers were linked to the rail network by 1865. At the same time, the original East Prussian craddle of the Prussian statehood as well as the Prussian-held Polish- or Kashubian-speaking territories of Province of Posen and West Prussia were formally annexed into the North German Confederation, thus Germany. Yet there is a natural undercurrent tending to a national feeling and toward a union of the Germans into one great nation, ruled by one common head as a national unit. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000. Among the German-speaking states, the Holy Roman Empire's administrative and legal mechanisms provided a venue to resolve disputes between peasants and landlords, between jurisdictions, and within jurisdictions. Politically, the conservative order tried to limit the influence of liberal politics by making minor concessions to liberals. Yet, as Germans discovered, grand speeches, flags, and enthusiastic crowds, a constitution, a political reorganization, and the provision of an imperial superstructure; and the revised Customs Union of 186768, still did not make a nation. The career and music of Richard Wagner offer a unique interdisciplinary approach to the romantic aspect of German nationalism. The southern states became officially incorporated into a unified Germany at the Treaty of Versailles of 1871 (signed 26 February 1871; later ratified in the Treaty of Frankfurt of 10 May 1871), which formally ended the war. The ensuing furor has been dubbed by historians as the Hohenzollern candidature. [68], By 1862, when Bismarck made his speech, the idea of a German nation-state in the peaceful spirit of Pan-Germanism had shifted from the liberal and democratic character of 1848 to accommodate Bismarck's more conservative Realpolitik. They also understood that Prussia's only ally abroad was Italy. Russia says US, NATO's 'increasing' involvement in Ukraine 'fraught with direct military clash of nuclear powers' Anadolu Agency. [48] Failure to achieve unification in 1848, this argument holds, resulted in the late formation of the nation-state in 1871, which in turn delayed the development of positive national values. As German states ceased to be a military crossroads, however, the roads improved; the length of hardsurfaced roads in Prussia increased from 3,800 kilometers (2,400mi) in 1816 to 16,600 kilometers (10,300mi) in 1852, helped in part by the invention of macadam. The other states retained their own governments, but the military forces of the smaller states came under Prussian control. Denis Mack Smith (editor). The Wars of Unification resulted in the annexation of large populations of non-German speakers, such as Danes in Schleswig and French in Alsace-Lorraine. Unification was achieved by building on a tradition of legal collaboration under the Holy Roman Empire and economic collaboration through the Zollverein. Kuhne, Thomas. web dbq the unification of germany and italy answer all questions on looseleaf will be graded as a test introduction the 19th century was one of constant political turmoil napoleon conquered lands and united them into an empire This was particularly important for the emerging industrial centers, most of which were located in the Prussian regions of the Rhineland, the Saar, and the Ruhr valleys. In April 1866, the Prussian representative in Florence signed a secret agreement with the Italian government, committing each state to assist the other in a war against Austria. German economist Friedrich List called the railways and the Customs Union "Siamese Twins", emphasizing their important relationship to one another. These skeptics saw the proposal as a ploy to enhance Prussian power rather than a progressive agenda of reform. Over the following forty years, the great powers supported the Spanish monarchy, but events in 1868 would further test the old system, finally providing the external trigger needed by Bismarck. Which individual is associated with the phrase blood and iron as related to the unification of Germany? [64], Bismarck expressed the essence of Realpolitik in his subsequently famous "Blood and Iron" speech to the Budget Committee of the Prussian Chamber of Deputies on 30 September 1862, shortly after he became Minister President: "The great questions of the time will not be resolved by speeches and majority decisionsthat was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849but by iron and blood. "The role of historical memory in (ethno)nation-building.". AP European History Exam Guide | Fiveable The unification of Germany fundamentally altered the delicate "balance of powers" established by the Congress of Vienna with the creation of a large, wealthy, and powerful nation-state in central Europe. German Unification DBQ - AP European History [81] In the day-long Battle of Kniggrtz, near the village of Sadov, Friedrich Carl and his troops arrived late, and in the wrong place. .We need a powerful ruling house. Despite the nomenclature of Diet (Assembly or Parliament), this institution should in no way be construed as a broadly, or popularly, elected group of representatives. The traditional view, promulgated in large part by late 19th- and early 20th-century pro-Prussian historians, maintains that Bismarck's intent was always German unification. [14] As Maria Theresa and Joseph tried to restore Habsburg hegemony in the Holy Roman Empire, Frederick countered with the creation of the Frstenbund (Union of Princes) in 1785. [15], The period of Austrian and Prussian police-states and vast censorship between the Congress of Vienna and the Revolutions of 1848 in Germany later became widely known as the Vormrz, the "before March", referring to March 1848. ultimate guide to Euro 2020, epic interviews with the stars, plus the UK and Ireland dream team and also discover everything you need to know about Messi, Ronaldo, Kane, Salah, Mbappe, Maguire, Hazard, Pogba and all the other top footballers. The widespreadmainly Germanrevolutions of 184849 sought unification of Germany under a single constitution. March 2, 2023 2:09 AM PT. '", Kocka, Jrgen and Mitchell, Allan. During the brief Napoleonic restoration known as the 100 Days of 1815, forces of the Seventh Coalition, including an Anglo-Allied army under the command of the Duke of Wellington and a Prussian army under the command of Gebhard von Blcher, were victorious at Waterloo (18 June 1815). Officially, the chancellor functioned as a one-man cabinet and was responsible for the conduct of all state affairs; in practice, the State Secretaries (bureaucratic top officials in charge of such fields as finance, war, foreign affairs, etc.) A broad investigation into the problem of creating a German national identity outside of Prussia. Germany only unified as recently as 1871, when Wilhelm I became the leader of the German Empire following the Franco-Prussian War. [30] States more distant from the coast joined the Customs Union earlier. This controversy, the latest phase of the German dualism debate that had dominated the politics of the German states and Austro-Prussian diplomacy since the 1701 creation of the Kingdom of Prussia, would come to a head during the following twenty years. On 18 November 1863, he signed the Danish November Constitution which replaced The Law of Sjlland and The Law of Jutland, which meant the new constitution applied to the Duchy of Schleswig. The creation of this Borussian myth (Borussia is the Latin name for Prussia) established Prussia as Germany's savior; it was the destiny of all Germans to be united, this myth maintains, and it was Prussia's destiny to accomplish this. [119], Another important element in nation-building, the story of the heroic past, fell to such nationalist German historians as the liberal constitutionalist Friedrich Dahlmann (17851860), his conservative student Heinrich von Treitschke (18341896), and others less conservative, such as Theodor Mommsen (18171903) and Heinrich von Sybel (18171895), to name two.