FUCK ME NOW. The normal way for the Brazilian government to acquire these guns would be through the Ministry of Justice or the Ministry of the Army. Read our Cookie Policy. Po de queijo 6. Brazil once had a secret weapons programme. There was once a Beretta plant in Brazil, which made Model 92 pistols and PM12 submachineguns for the Brazilian military, shotguns for civilians, and .22 Short and .25 ACP Model 950 pistols for the civilian market, but no Beretta 84s were produced there. Transfer cooked veggies to a blender and add coconut milk, fish stock or broth, and 1 teaspoon of salt. We hope President Bolsonaro will be successful in his mission to restore the right of self defense for all Brazilians!
traditional brazilian weapons Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI) The World Factbook. Imported ones are allowed only if theres no similar locally made. The most common long weapons were lances, spears, halberds, and staffs. As Erick observed, Rio de Janeiro is about 250 miles from So Paulo, but appears to be another country. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Brazil might get nuclear-powered submarines even before Australia Primitive, Brazilian Weapons, Amazon, Bow and Arrows, Blow Guns, Spear, Animal Bone, Features. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. Its a fascinating juxtaposition, and theres a lot for American gun owners to consider there, and learn from. Because factory ammunition is very expensive in Brazil, its marketed and sold in smaller quantities. There must non-trademarked designs that could be used in Brazil. Do you know its year of production? It has been wonderful to learn about the gun culture in his country and to benefit from his valuable expertise. The piranha, a small bony fish without much meat is cleaned and boiled, then blended for the piranha stock, which is sieved to remove the bones. Interestingly, the military dictatorship that ruled Brazil from 1964 to 1985 (the Fifth Brazilian Republic) did improve one aspect of Brazilian gun laws, when they approved the .38 Special for civilian use in 1965, as part of a review of gun classifications. Erick advises that obtaining a permit to carry a firearm outside of the home is both difficult and expensive (about U.S. $200), but is no longer impossible after the latest reforms. Concealment carry permits are very, very restricted to civilians, but is possible under some circumstances. Here are some of the most famous dishes that represent the cooking from different parts of the country that you should look out for on any trip to Brazil. However, it is possible to break down by region! Ulrich, thank you for your wonderful and informative report from Brazil! Taurus now buildsan MT 40 replacement , called theSMT 40, which offers no parts interchangeability with the earlier gun, save the 30 round magazine. It hosts a major biennial arms fair, LAAD Defence and Security, which is strongly supported by the Brazilian government and armed forces. It might even spill over to other countries in South America (we can hope). Rossi still makes long guns for export, but their domestic business consists solely of airgun imports, now. Hanging Cowbell Traditional Spanish Artwork, circa 1950. Inside-the-waistband (IWB) holsters that are made in Brazil typically use metal spring clips or wire clips to secure the holster to the belt. I never heard about the described S&W. bible teaching churches near me. We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. Taurus and Imbel are the two most prominent firearms manufacturers in Brazil. Because of the traditional Brazilian caliber limitations, Brazilian reloaders have a history of loading handgun cartridges beyond approved limits, in an effort to extract more performance. 3. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. List of modern equipment in service in the Brazilian Army. Ive researched what I can of Brazils history and life there, and in some respects I find it to be not too dissimilar from the US. There arent many countries where law-abiding citizens have access to such a wealth of firearms and related products, and the ability (and means) to lawfully possess privately-owned arms and ammunition.
Amazon tribes found living in complete isolation: Photos - news traditional brazilian weapons
Worldwide Traditional Martial Arts Weapons Market 2023-2027 Research I especially enjoyed the section on revolver slang, being a fan of the Pescoco de Frango! Shrouded extractor rods are very uncommon here before 1975, when Taurus released .357 Magnum guns. kanadajin3 rachel and jun. You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. Im Neutral ;) Erick advises that 2x2x2 pouches are virtually unknown in Brazil, but early in his career, he was taught to use a 33 loading technique from standard belt loops that was effective. Erick is very happy with the size, weight, and performance of his .357 Magnum, and has no intention of trading it for one of these autos. Moqueca - consisting of slow-cooked fish in palm oil and coconut milk, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, and garlic, topped with cilantro. Samurai Swords And Blades. Learning About Traditional Brazilian Christmas Food. Germany | English (US) | (EUR), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy, remember your login, general, and regional preferences, personalize content, search, recommendations, and offers. Many of these police duty holsters were designed with metal hooks that would allow the holster to hang from a military-style web belt. Apparently, the fire selector is prone to malfunction, with the three-round burst mode giving unpredictable results (sometimes full auto, sometimes a higher or lower number of rounds), and the guns have cracked from the stress induced by firing such a high pressure round at such a high cyclic rate. While CBC is one of the largest ammunition concerns in the world, its jacketed hollowpoint designs are not sophisticated by American standards, and dont perform as well as premium products like Winchester PDX1, Hornady Critical Defense/Duty, Speer Gold Dot, Corbon DPX, or Federal HST. Most importantly, the licensing requirements for hunters, collectors and sport shooters were eased, to permit greater access to firearms. One of the members of the Gracie family, a boy named Helio, was physically frail and unable to participate as a boy. The Imbel name is less familiar, but Americans actually know many of the Imbel products, because they have been imported here under the Springfield Armory label. The dagger is a traditional weapon from West Papua. Due to this specific destination, it is more likely that the purchase was made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Andrea Guarelli (left) and Shinpo Matayoshi (with the suruchin) Theres no official contract with S&W and Brazilian LE agencies in the 1990s, but Rossi de Moraes Imports (not Rossi Firearms) imported S&W revolvers (and Baby Sigma pistol), handcuffs, and Interarms Walther pistols for civilian market. Esse mod um dos melhores dessa categoria da workshop. With 1,340,000 reserve. It consists of white fish, shrimps, or other seafood combined with coconut milk, dend palm oil, lime juice, and various vegetables such as red and yellow peppers, tomatoes, spring onions, garlic, onions, and sometimes ginger. This dish is considered the national dish of Brazil and you'll find it on every buffet in Rio de Janeiro. Congratulations to your report about the past and present situation of gun laws in Brazil! This weapon is made of bone decorated with woven on the top. In other ways, Brazil appears to be a harbinger of the future in some of the American states that are more hostile towards guns and gun owners.
[Traditional and Complementary Medicine in Brazil: inclusion in the traditional brazilian weapons. Used by Brazilian Army Aviation Brigade. Used by the parachute brigade for monitoring missions, This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 15:12. One of the most commonly-encountered guns is a locally-produced variant of the Chilean FAMAE SAF, a 9mm, blowback SMG that's based on the Sig SG 540 rifle.The guns you'll find in Brazil are actually licensed copies of the FAMAE SAF, produced by Taurus, known as the Taurus MT40. Multiple rocket launcher (70/127/108/180/300/450mm), A5 units in modernization to A5+BR standard, contract awarded to, Used by Parachute and Jungle Infantry Brigades, Being modernized, using Brazilian Skyguard FC radar. Thankfully, President Bolsonaros recent executive order will make it easier for those in rural communities to shoot and train on their own property. Would be interesting if Erick might know which agency used these and if they are still in use. In the early 1980s, the domestically-produced Taurus PT-57, a .32 ACP version of the 9mm PT-92, was also popular in Brazil, by virtue of the fact that civilians were not allowed to own .380 ACP pistols until December of 1987. Under Vargas, handguns were restricted to non-military calibersno greater than .32 ACP in autopistols or .38 S&W in revolvers. Yes! Article 35 of the Disarmament Statute would have prohibited the sale of firearms and ammunition to citizens, if approved, and it was strongly supported by the federal government, the media, the Catholic Church, and many foreign gun control organizations. Dennison Berwick/Survival Spirit worlds and shamanism Many Brazilian Indian tribes like those of the Xingu Park, the Yanomami and the Enawene Nawe live in malocas - large communal houses - which shelter extended families, who string their hammocks from the rafters and share food around family hearths. There was an interesting number of pre-WWII weapons around, including a Mauser C96 with wooden stock/holster in 7.62 Mauser caliber, a Walther P38, various Mausers and innumerable shotguns and 22 rifles brought in over the years by all kinds of folks.
10 Most Popular Brazilian Stews - TasteAtlas Brazilian Food: 20 Most Popular & Traditional Dishes to Try Large set of Primitive Brazilian Weapons. Firearms are issued to police officers by their agencies, but police officers may also privately purchase firearms for on and off duty use. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In the United States, criminals frequently use non-expanding ammunition in their guns (perhaps as much as half the time, according to some studies) because its inexpensive or easy to obtain, but readers should understand that Ericks observations may not be directly applicable to shootings with premium hollowpoint ammunition that expands reliably. "Brazil culture and Brazil .
traditional brazilian weapons - steinermichelle.com However, some agencies issued or authorized autopistols and revolvers in larger calibers. The fried croquette is stuffed with shredded chicken and spreadable Brazilian cream cheese called requeijo. Despite having never been to Brazil myself, nor speaking any Portuguese, it is a country I find myself interested in. It would be impossible to afford competing in the shooting sports in Brazil without reloading.
Brazilian Christmas Food - A Dica do Dia, Free Class - Rio & Learn There are at least 100 uncontacted tribes living in Brazil alone and experts believe they number up to 3000. The mixture is rolled into balls, covered in more coconut and topped with a clove. The standard ammunition load for a police officer in Brazil is to carry two reloads for the duty gun. He notes that the double action revolver is colloquially known as the resolver in Brazil for an important reasonit can always be relied upon to fix (resolve) problems! I was reminded of this recently by a series of fascinating email conversations with a RevolverGuy reader from the country of Brazil. Chic Gaylord was an important designer/maker for the U.S. concealed-carry market in the more-restrictive 1950s-1970s; an article on him appeared in AHG, Sept./Oct. Destiny 2: The Witch Queen. An unfavorable currency exchange rate drives up prices on foreign products, and fluctuations in the exchange rate often interrupt the supply chain, creating shortages that inflate prices. He also wrote the "Tactical Analysis" column at Police1.com for 8 years. traditional brazilian weaponshow much is a speeding ticket wales. The caliber restrictions traditionally imposed on Brazilians left a lot of them armed with .22, .32 and .38 caliber revolvers.
34 Traditional Indonesian Weapons from All Provinces, Can Be Introduced Picanha is one of the highlights you'll find at a Brazilian barbecue but there plenty . Have not seen a factory historical letter but according to others Mr Roy Jenks, S&W Historian, indicates this order was for Brazil. In 2016, I trained security personnel of US Consulate in So Paulo. They have the highest ranking social caste of the Edo Period). Coxinha, a classic Brazilian street snack. 2016 to 2023 RevolverGuy.com, All Rights Reserved. Acaraj 8. The program was dismantled in 1990, five years after the military regime ended, and Brazil is considered free of weapons of mass destruction. Some state-level Specialized Units provided Imbel (M1911A1) and Taurus (PT-945) pistols chambered in .45 ACP, or Taurus revolvers chambered in .357 Magnum, and authorized officers to use confiscated arms in various calibers. Ammunition is available in greater quantities too. I only hope that with a possible change of Government in 2022 we will not be harrassed again, as it was under the Precidencies of Lula, Dilma and Temer. The firearms laws in Brazil are much more restrictive than they are in the United States, and strongly reflect the turbulent political history of Brazil in the 20th Century. These laws remained on the books in Brazil through the back and forth transition between civilian administrations and military dictatorships that replaced them. The traditional Brazilian feijoada is a stewed black bean dish cooked in beef and pork. Distance measured in yards (not meters) and targets provided by US Government (representing an Arab carrying a Kalashnikov rifle!). Because the Federal Police infrastructure was smaller than that of the collected state police forces, and they had less personnel dedicated to issuing permits, this made it even more difficult to obtain a carry permitparticularly in smaller cities that lacked a Federal Police office. Leather in a humid climate does terrible things to steel. Stay safe! This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. This is the traditional attire of the Gauchos from Rio Grande do Sul. Brazils 213+ million people also make it the sixth most populous nation in the world (by contrast, the United States has about 332 million, making it the third most populous nation). Apparently, the .40 S&W ammunition thats available to police in Brazil suffers from core-jacket separation when its fired into glass and steel, and the Magnum ammunition outperforms it. It's cooked with garlic, onion, black pepper, and chopped parsley. The most affluent Brazilians chase the limited supply of foreign arms and ammo, but most Brazilians target domestic products for their affordability and availability.
Traditional Brazilian Food - The Top Food and Drinks to Try in Brazil Some of the pockets, designed to carry film canisters, are useful as makeshift speedloader pouches, particularly when lined with a short piece of plastic PVC pipe to make drawing the loader easy. Thats due to a certain monopoly situation, which Taurus and IMBEL use to keep prices up, together with a high taxation of sales. Some forces also reportedly use foreign weapons like the Colt M4 carbine, Colt M-16 rifle, and Heckler & Koch G3, G36, HK416 and HK417 rifles. Yes, we have many things to be grateful for, here in America.
Brazilian Carnival - How Brazilian Traditions Work | HowStuffWorks Kenya National Archives. The Chinese spear is known as qiang (), a significant weapon in warfare used by the military, militia, and peasant rebels. Acompanho seus projetos desde 2018, com o Brazilian Military Power (outra prola). It should be noted that Ericks experience is influenced by the ammunition available in Brazil. The Yanomami live in large communal houses. 1.1. It was always fascinating to me to see the laws and to see the enforcement of the same as just about every item prohibited by law was to be found in the possession of the rich and politically connected. The decrees raised ammunition purchase caps to 2,000 rounds per year for specially regulated weapons, and relaxed restrictions on optics, pre-20th Century firearms, and ammunition up to 12.7mm as well. Externally, the SMT 40 has a different folding stock, a hew hand guard with Picatinny rails, and a redesigned magazine well that incorporates a fore grip. Some police officers will spend their own money and time to practice shooting on private ranges, just as we see here in the United States. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. Some things never change, regardless of where you are in the world!
List of modern equipment of the Brazilian Army - Wikipedia 2) Feijoada (Black Bean and Pork Stew) Get the recipe here. Acaraj with vatap - African influence. That said, here are some of Ericks unfiltered observations from the violent streets of Brazil: Erick also provided the following anecdotes to describe the unpredictable nature of gunfights and terminal ballistics: Another time, a drug dealer falled down only with SIX 12-gauge slugs fired by a Narcotics officer, the last shot severing the heart and spinal cord. Last updated 1 April 2021.
Why Brazil shouldn't let Bolsonaro stand in the way of ratifying the Despite this, the article was rejected by 64% of the Brazilian voters in the referendum, and they retained their right to purchase arms and ammunition. As a veteran homicide detective in a nation with one of the highest murder rates in the world, Erick has seen a large number of gunshot wounds and has developed a number of useful insights, based on his experience.
'Dangerous and Regretful': US, Israel Concerned Over Iranian Warships Brazil's government, which is .
Order Traditional Brazilian Pizzas Like the Calabresa and Frango We think its interesting that despite the significant differences between Brazil and the United States, there are striking similarities between Ericks observations on the effectiveness of various calibers and what weve seen in shootings here: We are so thankful that Erick shared his valuable knowledge and experience with us here at RevolverGuy. Carry licenses were not federally restricted under Vargas, but individual states were allowed to impose restrictions on citizens, and withhold permits for discretionary reasonsand many did. It originates from Africa. In 2003, the responsibility for issuing carry permits was transferred from the states to the federal government. Clothing in Bahia. Brazil Travel Information.
traditional brazilian weapons - theintentionalentrepreneur.com Guns in Brazil - RevolverGuy.Com Another executive order, signed by President Bolsonaro in May of 2019, allowed rural gun owners to use their firearms on their own property (instead of restricting use to a licensed gun range), eased firearm transport restrictions between home and the range, eased import restrictions on firearms and ammunition, and increased the ammunition purchase cap to 5,000 rounds per year (instead of 50) for civilians. This president was eventually impeached as part of a widespread corruption scandal that included bribery and tax evasion, and a right-wing, reformist president, President Jair Bolsonaro, was elected in 2018. Arroz de natal or Arroz Natalino is a must have in the Christmas table. On those occasions when hes serving as a firearms instructor, or is wearing casual clothing, a photographer-style vest is often worn and the loaders go into the pockets. Instead, he watched his brothers teach classes at their family's . I lived for some years in the USA and had a concealed carry license there as well as some guns, which I had to sell when I moved to Brazil. Theres no police car without a 7.62mm NATO FAL. The persistent problems with hijacking and robbery of transport trucks on the highways (with some bandits even using .50 caliber Browning machineguns) has also made it essential for Federal Highway Police to be armed with suitable rifles. Brazilian Jiu jitsu vs Muscles Demonstration - YouTube 0:00 / 11:25 Jiu-Jitsu black belt vs Bodybuilder. Since most of the ammunition produced by CBC and foreign military sources is loaded with FMJ or RNL bullets, and since most of the hollowpoints produced by CBC fail to appreciably expand, a lot of Ericks experience is based on shootings with non-expanding ammunition. Bonded bullets are a help, here; Gunfights and terminal ballistics are unpredictable, so dont expect much from your ammoespecially your handgun ammo. Feijoada. Erick, you have given us a tremendous insight into the state of thing in Brasil, both socially, with gun policy orientation, and the evolution of law enforcement firearms use in general. Examples are Carapichea ipecacuanha (Brot.) The menu is traditional northeastern Brazilian food, but not from the coastal cities of Salvador, Fortaleza and Recife, instead it is from the serto, the arid hinterlands of the northeast.Life is hard in the serto and travelling from one place to another can be difficult, meaning the local food is rich and filling, enough to sustain a sertanejo Thank you very much for the informative read on the guns and gear of Brazil. The feature that is unique is that it has an enclosed ejector rod. The 2018 election of President Jair Bolsonaro changed the landscape of Brazilian gun laws, however. More about Caldo de piranha 04 Seafood Soup Thank you. Brazil IMBEL MD97: 5.5645mm (being replaced by Imbel A2) Assault rifle Brazil IMBEL IA2: 7.6251mm and 5.5645mm (standard issue) Assault rifle Brazil Taurus T4: 5.5645mm (limited role) Carbine Brazil Mosquefal M968: 7.6251mm (training and parade rifle) Training rifle Israel Brazil Taurus Tavor TAR-21: 5.5645mm (used by Border Brigade . Unfortunately, Brazilian police do not have access to the wide variety of quality designs that we have here in the United States, and many of their concealment holster choices would seem unsophisticated compared to the products available here. 5. The Spruce. Erick shared the following ones with us: Brazil is a federal republic, which is composed of 26 states and a federal district. Taurus purchased Rossi in December of 1997, and continued to make Rossi revolvers for a few years, but eventually discontinued them. Their FAL receivers are superb, and they also make one tough M1911A1 pistol. President Bolsonaro campaigned as a pro-gun candidate, and delivered on his promises after taking office. Civilians regained control of the government in 1985, and a new constitution was ratified in 1988 to replace the highly restrictive one that had been imposed by military dictators in 1967. Experience in these games indicated that the .380 ACP suffered from poor accuracy, and thus, .32 ACP pistols were preferred by many of the competitors.
Delicious Brazilian Foods to Try in Brazil or At home Brazilian police also have a number of submachineguns (SMGs) in inventory as well. The S&W importer was Realiza, not Rossi de Moraes that imported Interarms Walther pistols. In October of 2005, the citizens of Brazil were asked to vote on a referendum that would decide the fate of civilian ownership of firearms and ammunition in Brazil. Brazil has widely diverse flora, rich in medicinal plants, which are an important part of the Amerindian traditional knowledge ( Levis et al., 2017 ). Deadliest martial arts in the world are Krav Maga, Line, Rough and Tumble, Ninjutsu, Vale Tudo, Bacom, Eskrima, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai (Thai Boxing), Silat, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, MCMAP, Karate, and Sambo. Want to know more? Accompanied by guitars, malambo dancers wear . Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. Best of luck, Erick. RevolverGuy Erick is a dyed-in-the-wool gun guy, who also happens to be a police officer in one of the most violent nations of the world. Our website welcomes any Brazil armaments companies and provides an opportunity to bring in new clients via web advertising on the largest platform listing . The Brazilian government has launched its campaign to drive tens of thousands of illegal miners from the country's largest Indigenous reserve, with special-forces environmental operatives. Its reported that some samples will fire when the safety is moved from On Safe to Off Safe, if the trigger was previously pulled when the weapon was On Safea dangerous defect thats previously led to recalls on some other guns here in America, too. We have a good leader now one of his sayings is A well armed people shall never be slaved and if God help us pretty soon We will have our rights consolidated. More information can be found on the Smith & Wesson Forum. These days, many native Americans have adopted a contemporary way of dressing. We collaborate with 70 Brazilian weapons distributors, arms companies and armament providers. ), what can we take away from this?
Jiu-Jitsu black belt vs Bodybuilder. Brazilian Jiu jitsu vs Muscles One old store keeper had a S&W hand ejector that was brought into Brazil from Turkey shortly after they were patented (1905 date on barrel, arrived Brazil shortly after sure wish I had the serial number) He religiously changed the ammo out every year and kept the gun in a holster in the safe.
Steam Workshop::Brazilian Military Weapons Brazilian Culture - Traditions, Customs, & More I Heart Brazil This would explain the fact that they are not included in the inventory of any police or military force. The editor of AHG, Roy Huntington, ex-LE, is approachable by email. Many interesting weapons came out of ancient India, but among the most dangerous was the haladie, a weapon of India's ancient warrior class, the Rajput. 28 - Seo 3 - Dirio Oficial da Unio - Dirios JusBrasil", "BRASIL - B. Operaes Especiais | PDF | Militar | Armas de projtil", "CIGS procede Experimentao Doutrinria do Grupo de Combate de Selva", "COMPETIO MILITAR "FUERZAS COMANDO 2011", "Rafael Spike vence a concorrncia do Exrcito Brasileiro", "Arsenal de Guerra do Rio recebe aparelhos de pontaria SPOTIM", "Brasil modernizar el 25% de sus Leopard 1A5 BR mientras busca un sucesor", "Exrcito recebe seus blindados Centauro II", "El Ejrcito Brasileo elige al Centauro II como su futuro vehculo de combate blindado 88", "THE CENTAURO II FIRST CHOICE FOR THE NEW ARMOURED VEHICLE FOR THE BRAZILIAN ARMY", "Iveco fbrica el 66 Guarani nmero 600 para el Ejrcito Brasileo", "LAAD 2015: Iveco apresenta seu portflio", "DefesaNet - LAAD 2017 - Comitiva Federal prestigia projeto estratgico do EB na LAAD 2017", "Recebimento, teste, sada e entrega de VBTP MSR 6X6 Guarani - Site EPEx", IVECO delivers first batch of VBTP-MR vehicles to the Brazilian Army, "Urutu e Cascavel ganharo vida nova | Foras Terrestres - ForTe - Estratgia, Tecnologia Militar e Segurana", "Akaer y Brasil firman el contrato para la modernizacin de los blindados Cascavel", "Brazilian Army set to receive AFVs from US Army | IHS Jane's 360", "BAE Systems conclu Fase 2 do programa de modernizao do M113BR", "VBMT-LSR - Exrcito Brasileiro oficializa a compra da LMV com a IVECO Veculos de Defesa", "16 blindados Iveco Lince para a Interveno Federal no Rio", "Brazilian Army selects Iveco LMV as its new 4x4 vehicle", "Brazil to acquire 1,464 LMV protected vehicles", "Exrcito receber mais sessenta M109 A5 dos EUA", Brazil; Army plans to purchase US Army surplus 155mm artillery pieces, "BAE Systems awarded long-stalled Brazilian howitzer modernisation deal", "Brazilian Army receiving 60 more US M109A5 howitzers", "Terrestre - Projeto estratgico do Exrcito Brasileiro busca obter plena capacidade operacional", "Janes | Latest defence and security news", "Brasil adquiere 50 misiles Saab RBS-70 MK2 por 2,95 millones de dlares", "Embraer apresenta o novo radar SABER M200 VIGILANTE", Exrcito recebe modernas portadas IRB e caminhes Tatra 88, Chegam novos modelos de caminhes TATRA 8X8 para o Exrcito, "Navistar MaxxPro MRV-PK, o novo blindado socorro do Guarani", "Exrcito Brasileiro adquire mais pontes modulares Improved Ribbon Bridge System a GDELS", Exrcito Brasileiro adquire mais pontes modulares Improved Ribbon Bridge System a GDELS, "CAMINHES MILITARES UAI M1-50 e M1-34 "UM TREM BO DAS GERAIS", "Mercedes Benz vende 2000 caminhes ao Exrcito", "Terrestre - MAN j tem 600 unidades na frota do Exrcito", "Defesa Area & Naval Notcias Areas e Navais MAN faz caminho sob medida para o Exrcito Brasileiro", "Meu Opala 79, o blog pra quem gosta de carros: 3 Encontro de Veculos Militares do Forte de Copacabana [Cobertura]", "Jeep Clube de Macap: Exrcito Brasileiro recebe viaturas 44 e 66 em Macap", "Brasil compr lanchas de guerra hechas en Cartagena - Archivo Digital de Noticias de Colombia y el Mundo desde 1.990", "Colombia Vender Patrulleras Fluviales LPR-40 a Brasil", "EB - CECMA USA LANCHA DGS PARA TREINAMENTO DE PILOTOS DE COMBATE", "Defesa Area & Naval Notcias Areas e Navais Exrcito Brasileiro acquire 04 novas embarcaes", "Nauru 1000C o novo Sistema de Aeronave Remotamente Pilotada (SARP) da Aviao do Exrcito", https://cmse.eb.mil.br/index.php/ultimas-noticias-categoria/736-aviacao-do-exercito-inicia-testes-de-operacoes-com-drones, "Exrcito Brasileiro utiliza drone para fiscalizar a fronteira com o Uruguai", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_modern_equipment_of_the_Brazilian_Army&oldid=1142637373, 5.5645mm (used by Border Brigade and SOF), 5.5645mm (used by SOF and Chemical Warfare Brigade), 5.5645mm (used by SOF and Border Brigade), General-purpose machine gun (used as secondary weapon by main battle tank Leopard 1), General-purpose machinegun (Used by jungle warfare brigades), Rotary heavy machine gun (used by Brazilian Army Aviation), 7.6251mm (for designed marksmen in light infantry regiments), 7.6251mm (used by SOF and jungle warfare brigades), 84mm (to be replaced by the national ALAC), Fiber optics guided multi-purpose missile, 52 1A5BR will be modernized aiming the replacement.