Following the resurrection of Jesus, Philip was sent with his sister Mariamne and Bartholomew to preach in Greece, Phrygia, and Syria. 123 What did the Ethiopian Eunuch do after being baptized? Glorious is the church that walks rejoicing after believing in the Lord than waiting on the man of God to come back and preach, again and again. 4. This remarkable journey is thought to have taken place in the late 4th century BC. This is when the interaction could have gone awry. It was an immediate departure. Commentators explain that words desert in Lukes account can refer either to Gaza or to the road. Aksum grew rich and powerful because of Adule, its port on the Red Sea. The Eunuch of Ethiopia - JourneyOnline All Loves Excelling: How Romance Inspired Charles Wesleys View of God, Christian Conservationists Sue to Protect Ghana Forest, Subscribe to CT magazine for full access to the. How far is Ethiopia from Jerusalem by chariot? So, whether it was miraculous is a debatable matter. Please stop spreading misinformation about the scriptures and just let people see the text for what is says. The quickest flight from Addis Ababa Airport to Tel Aviv Airport is the direct flight which takes 4h 5m. Philip travels in the area, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea (8:40). Im a super huge Tom Hanks fan and have seen practically every movie of his, can quote the entire Forrest Gump movie, and nearly cried when we and Rita Wilson tested positive for the coronavirus. What about the means to travel? Gaza is also mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the place where Samson was imprisoned and met his death. The eunuch then continued on his way rejoicing in his new faith.The story of the Ethiopian eunuch is a remarkable one. The eunuch joyfully accepted Philips words. the Ethiopian The Bible states that he strolled with God for 300 years! He wanted to be baptized. What did the Ethiopian eunuch ask Philip? So they went is opposite directions. Id like to believe Philip was taken away by supernatural means. There are two versions of his death, the first being that he died a natural death but the second one says he angered a local king who ordered him nailed to a bed, covered his whole body with paper, brimstones, oil, asphalt and brushwood and set him on fire. What did the Ethiopian eunuch ask Philip when they met? Encyclopedias. His life of faith was a regular, continuous and also complete walk with God. By the way, I do believe that the apostles did miracles. 26, 36), and, after his conversion, he advances his way ( , v. He later on was informed by an angel of the Lord to go to the roadway between Jerusalem as well as Gaza. The Bible says, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again. Philip travels in the area, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea (8:40). The Scriptures say that the Ethiopian eunuch was an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (and if youre using the 1984 NIV, it says, in charge of all the treasury of Candance, queen of the Ethiopians). What was the Ethiopian eunuch reading when he met Philip? God is great! Philip Do you have someone in your life who can teach, rebuke, correct, and train you (2 Timothy 3:16) in your daily walk with God? This is also the same word that is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 referring to what most call the rapture. But this is an inference, and not a certainty. [14] How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? Philip told the Ethiopian eunuch that he could understand what he was reading if he went with him. From remote antiquity, eunuchs were employed in the Middle East and in China in two main functions: as guards and servants in harems or other womens quarters, and as chamberlains to kings. We consider virtues like humility as weakness, or wrongly assume that if were humble, it automatically means that someone is taking advantage of us. Instead of being occupied with the person God used to assist in his conversion, he was occupied with Christ as he went on his way rejoicing, which is much more important than Philips mode of travel. (Deut. After she died, it is believed that Moses remarried. The presence of an Ethiopian eunuch in the court of Judah demonstrates at least some form of contact between the two countries. What does history say about the first Christians of Africa? [13] For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Philip realized God had put him there in that place and time; to lead this hungry searching man to know the God of Israel and His Son, Jesus the Anointed One. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?[37] 38And he gave orders to stop the chariot. This explanation is very reasonable. We've updated our privacy policy to include the most recent GDPR updates. eunuch, castrated human man. Answer: That baptism is a powerful act that can change a persons life and lead them to share the gospel with others. Just because the Holy Spirit is involved, doesnt mean that it was a miraculous transportation. The vast majority are afflicted with prostate cancer. Shine a little light on it. He had a copy of the Book of Isaiah(verse 28). The word,Ethiopia First, he cannot actually enter the Temple. [17] So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. The Bible Journey | Philip's Journeys No Eunuch was permitted to enter the Temple. In the Gospel according to Matthew (19:12), Jesus identified three types of eunuchs: those who are born eunuchs, those who are made eunuchs, and those who make themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven. The Ethiopian eunuch had not read much of the Bible, but when he had found one witness from the prophets he was guided by it to salvation. Philips sudden departure meant that the Ethiopian was unable to thank or reward Philip for his help. God, who knew this mans heart, had already decided to intervene. for less than $4.25/month. Quick Answer: How Far Did The Ethiopian Eunuch Travel Adule was a world trading center. According to biblical accounts, Gaza fell to Israelite rule, from the reign of King David in the early 11th century BCE. Ethiopia is located nearly South side to Jerusalem. (The road from Jerusalem to Gaza is 50 miles long, and causes the main coastal profession path mosting likely to Egypt.) According to an ancient tradition, Mark was the first missionary to Africa. The King of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, claimed that the royal ancestry of the Kings of Ethiopia went back to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Theres reading the Bible and then theres actually understanding it. All rights reserved. But I dont ever plan on running across country to stand outside a Bubba Gump Shrimp restaurant that Tom Hanks is eating at. So the first Missionary to Africa seems to have been this dear African Convert to Christianity. At the outset of this narrative, he is returning to his homeland. WebWe also read in Jeremiah 38:7-13 of Ebed-melech the Ethiopian eunuch, who was a part of the household of Zedekiah, who saved Jeremiah from the dungeon. 26-39). Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch The angel told Philip to go near the chariot and stay with the Ethiopian eunuch. After Philip was carried away, he appeared some time later at Azotus (Ashdod), a town about 50 km (30 miles) away. Having the Book of Isaiah back in those days meant that you had a handwritten scroll with the Scriptures on it. 26 8). He is not told why, but he knew enough to obey when God so ordered. Which Apostle baptized the Ethiopian eunuch? Distance between Ethiopia and Jerusalem is 2564 KM / 1593.3 miles. The Ethiopian eunuch is believed to have travelled over 3000 miles from Ethiopia to Jerusalem. By becoming a eunuch, he removed any possibility of having his own children, and he was committing his life to serving the queen. Distance from Jerusalem to Gaza is 6,069 kilometers. Serious Christian missionary efforts did not begin again until the sixteenth century. 18) because he is not considered as a man (Yeb. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Category index After getting baptized, it says that the eunuch went on his way rejoicing (verse 39). Subscribe to CT And his urgency paid off. This is the text the Ethiopian eunuch was reading. And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. Whatever the material was, we can assume it probably cost a lot of money. Acts 8:32-33 tells us what Philip heard the man read. WebThis is what the World Book Encyclopedia has to say about this empire: Aksum was a powerful ancient kingdom in East Africa. 15:51-53; 1 Th. Its about 800 miles from the court to the temple, as the crow flies. What was an Ancient Ivri (Hebrew) Fetsua (Eunuch)? - Emasculated () man. Deuteronomy 23:2 [MT] "He shall Not () Enter () Who i By the 1st century A.D. there were around one and a quarter million Israelites living in Egypt, primarily in the northern cities such as Alexandria. WebPhilip Tells an Ethiopian about Jesus. [17] So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. And I believe this is the same here, so the Eunuch would truly believe without doubt and so nothing can steal away the joy of his salvation. Taking A Trip during Roman Times According to The New Testimony, the primary areas for the ministry undertaken by Jesus were Galilee and Judea, with activities additionally taking area in bordering locations such as Peres and Samaria. Biblical narrative The eunuch had been to Jerusalem to worship and was returning home. Why did Jesus tell the paralyzed man, Your sins are forgiven? Copyright 2021 WHOLLYHEARTED. Unfortunately, humility is a lost virtue in the world today. What happened to the Ethiopian eunuch in the Bible? How might things have been different if the Ethiopian Eunuch had not been baptized? Are the angel of the Lord (v.26) and the Spirit of the Lord (v.39) the same character? The eunuch, we are informed, is an Ethiopian authorities that has travelled to Jerusalem to prayer and is now going back to Ethiopia (vv. hVmoF+bpu/@av@AsDb Christianity would likely not have taken hold in Ethiopia as it did. This was unknown to the outside world until the 18th century, the Ethiopian believers proclaimed the message, because one man heard from God and left a revival to walk along a desert road. I have heard there are seven heavens. How Far Did The Ethiopian Eunuch Travel To Jerusalem. How long was the road from Jerusalem to Gaza? How long was the road from Jerusalem to Gaza? This actually gives us the biggest clue as to how devoted this guy was: Despite all of the hurdles, the eunuch made it a point to go to the temple to worship in person. Ethiopia (the upper Nile region) saw vibrant church growth in the Immediately after coming out of the water, the Spirit caught Philip away. Instead, with humility, he says, How can I, unless someone explains it to me? (Verse 31). To ask CHB editors a church history-related question, send an e-mail to It thus should not be at all surprising that some Israelites would be living in southern Egypt and Ethiopia. When Luke describes the miraculous disappearance of Jesus, he doesnt use the Greek word harpazo (Strongs #726), which is used in Acts 8:39. So this eunuch travelled a round trip of 3200 miles just to stand outside the temple to worship! Yes rejoice that the Eunuch was saved Hallelujah! Im sure there was probably some beautiful, clean bathing pool or fountain he could have gotten baptized in back at the queens palace. Ethiopia (the upper Nile region) saw vibrant church growth in the early centuries after Christ, and legend links this growth to Philip's convert. Are you willing to prioritize him first in your life? What is the significance of Gaza in the Again he is Perplexed as he reads this book of Isaiah. According to this tradition, the Queen of Sheba (called Makeda) visited Solomons court after hearing about his wisdom. And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. and how shall they hear without a preacher? The rules and regulations of the Temple Worship had perplexed him, but he procured a copy of the holy writings upon which so much of the religion was based. 26, 36), as well as, after his conversion, he advances his way ( , v. The geography and also ranges entailed naturally allow the Jesus Route to be strolled as a collection of day-hikes for a total of four days, with every days walking being in between 13 as well as 19 km (8 to 12 mi) in size. To become a eunuch for the sake of a job (career) was probably not something this man took lightly. A round trip journey from Ethiopia to Jerusalem is far when you have to How many miles did Jesus walk during his ministry? Whyte's Bible Characters. But it doesnt say how he was taken away. The Ethiopian eunuchs story truly is a great example of what it means to worship God with all of your heart. This is a prophecy concerning the Judgment and Crucifixion of Jesus. The Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away so that the Ethiopian eunuch saw him no more. After Philip baptized the Ethiopian treasurer, When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. He desperately wishes for someone to unravel all this mystery. The Holy Spirit usually uses the normal means to move people around. Thanks, was researching on getting caught away, Pingback: Philips Transport Brent's Musings. Barnes says, It is not wise to suppose the existence of a miracle except where the effect cannot otherwise be accounted for, and except where there is a plain statement that there was a miracle. (Strongs G726). 39When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away,and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. How far did they come? How far would you go? - The End Time Philip asks the Eunuch if he understands what he is reading, and is invited to explain this writing.He promptly baptizes the Eunuch in the water. Distance between Ethiopia and Jerusalem is 2564 KM / 1593.3 miles. Question: How Far Did The Ethiopian Eunuch Travel It shows us that anyone no matter who they are or where they come from can come to know God. As many as 600,000 men in North America are living as eunuchs for medical reasons. Philip asks for a spoken affirmation of his faith and upon hearing that he now believes Jesus is the Messiah, the prophetic fulfillment of Isaiahs writings, he promptly baptizes the Eunuch in the water. But thats actually the benefit of the job that the eunuch hadit provided him with access to resources that an average person just didnt have. As mentioned above, some believe that Philips leaving was miraculous. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Jerusalem and Gaza is 6,069 km= 3,771 miles. Yet, the Ethiopian eunuch didnt wait until he was back at home to get baptizedhe saw water in the desert and took the opportunity to get right with God immediately. Yes, the Bible said that the eunuch did not see Philip any longer after Philip left. Will you tell this story to someone God puts in your pathway? Ancient African Christianity was basically confined to Northern AfricaEgypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia. What did Philip the Apostle do for a living? Life is a journey we can travel together! Gaza is The most important part about reading the Bible is actually understanding and comprehending what youre readingdo you understand what you read in the Bible? After hearing a reading of the prophet Isaiah he felt compelled to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to worship the God of Israel.The eunuchs journey would have been a difficult and dangerous one. That was all the information Dr. Luke had when he wrote the Book of Acts. Distance between Ethiopia and Jerusalem is 2564 KM / 1593.3 miles. The Bible says that, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away (Acts 8:39). The Apostle Paul and His Times: Christian History Timeline. He was happy! It was a sudden and miraculous departure that only the Spirit of the Lord can do! Big thanks . Taking A Trip during Roman Times According to The New Testament, the principal places for the ministry undertaken by Jesus were Galilee as well as Judea, with activities additionally taking location in surrounding areas such as Peres and also Samaria. As soon as the Ethiopian eunuch came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way According to this tradition, the Queen of Sheba (called Makeda) visited Solomons court after hearing about his wisdom. He was most likely a black man. When did the Hebrews or Israelites become known as Jews? How did the people of Ethiopia respond to his preaching? Instead of worrying, the eunuch left rejoicing, for he had found Jesus who is sufficient and that he now needs no man to teach. Acts 5:19 But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out, saying, Acts 8:5 Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Christ to them. 26 8). It then says that the eunuch invited Philip up into the chariot to sit with him. There are so many great practicals that we can take away from just 15 Bible verses. Eunuchs would usually be servants or slaves who had been castrated to make them reliable servants of a royal court where physical access to the ruler could wield great influence. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. What do you like about the Ethiopian eunuchs story? Instead, the eunuch was very humble in his response and admitted that he needed someone to teach him. He was a Cabinet Minister to the Queen, and would never travel alone. Many of their miracles are recorded in the book of Acts: many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles (Acts 2:43ESV). Just totally ignored the original question. Acts 8 is the eighth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. WebA reading of Acts 8:26-39. WebEthiopian Eunuch The. I love you all! Your email address will not be published. How old was the Ethiopian eunuch when he was converted? Literally this involved coming to the Temple in Jerusalem to offer a sacrifice. Get the best from CT editors, delivered straight to your inbox! What are your initial impressions? What did Jesus mean when He said He would not eat the Passover again until it was fulfilled in the kingdom of God (Lk. Jesus offers you forgiveness and a new life. There he instructed and baptized the Ethiopian eunuch; next he was captured away by the Spirit and discovered at Azotus (Ashdod); and after that travelling through he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea (Acts 8). We gas ourselves up according to our experience or intellect. Philip More interesting than that, he was a eunuch he'd been castrated. There are two versions of his death, the first being that he died a natural death but the second one says he angered a local king who ordered him nailed to a bed, covered his whole body with paper, brimstones, oil, asphalt and brushwood and set him on fire. Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdalene and had two children, a new book claims. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Scripture index Acts 8:37 Context And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? By this journey of his, he wished to show them all (how he would act): so far were they from being earnest in this matter. Thomas, Nathaniel and Philip may have also worked as fishermen, for they were all together and fishing when Jesus appeared to them in John 21:2-8, following his resurrection.7 days ago. What did the Ethiopian eunuch do for a living? The word describing what happened, harpazo (Strongs #726), occurs in 14 verses of the New Testament. And do not let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.. This entry was posted on June 29, 2012 by George Hawke. He did not understand what the Prophet was saying. They both would have loved to kiss and say goodbye, or even exchange numbers for visits and follow-ups, but because of urgency the Spirit caught away Philip and took him to another place. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. How Far Did The Ethiopian Eunuch Travel | Get Quick Answer Here Churches in these areas maintained close ties to eastern Christendom and made many important contributions.
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