She is a complex deity known as the Phantom Queen, who is both a single goddess and also a triple goddess. Given all their relationships, the Celtic gods family tree is a complex one! If so, is there both asexuality in the Pantheon and asexuality outside of it, or is it just one of the two? In addition, Greek Mythology also has two other virgin goddesses, Artemis and Hestia. It was at this point that he also first encountered another famous Irish goddess, Ultimately the Morrigan predicted C Chulainns violent death and a, Unfortunately there is very little information found in the surviving Medieval Irish texts about Danu. Ultimately, Iphis fell in love with Ianthe, a woman, and was betrothed to her. His name means Maize cob Lord. She is also said to have the ability to foretell the outcome of battles and predict violent deaths. 17 Favourites. - Poseidon, god of the seas, was bisexual. She also had an adopted son, Erichthonius. She is occasionally depicted as having flames coming out of her hair. His horned appearance may have been an inspiration for the depiction of Satan with horns. Lugh is thought to have been the father of demi god and famous Irish warrior, C Chulainn. ArtemisTwin sister to Apollo, the goddess was by differing accounts a nearly asexual virgin or a lesbian with many nymph lovers, including Cyrene, Atalanta, and Anticleia as well as moon goddess Dictynna. - Apollo, god of the sun, was bisexual. DionysusBest known as the Greek god of wine, Dionysus was also the god of intersex and transgender people. And yeah. 1st century C.E.) Patroclus's death at the hands of Trojan Prince Hector sent Achilles into a rage in which he killed Hector and dragged his body around Troy. Celtic pagan gods and goddesses were thought to have special influential powers over aspects of daily life and the natural world. This post contains affiliate links. Artemis was very wild and independent. Chalchiuhtlicue (pronounced Tchal-chee-uh-tlee-ku-eh) was the goddess of running water and all aquatic elements. Ovid is Roman, not Greek, of course. Macha is more usually connected with the land and its fertility and is seen as a protector. Above: Athena, center, in a mural by John Singer Sargent, AphroditeWhile the goddess of love is not identified prominently as lesbian herself, the Greek poet Sappho (as in sapphic) of Lesbos (yes, as in lesbian) told many homoerotic tales and named Aphrodite as the greatest patron and ally of lesbians and homosexuals within the Greek pantheon of gods. Codex Magliabechiano/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. Iphis was born female but raised male by his mother, who concealed the truth because her husband wanted a male heir. Artemis didn't want to get married or have sex with men because in those days a woman attaching herself to a man would mean giving up her autonomy and independence. She was primarily known the Goddess of the . The creature of both sexes was frequently depicted in classical art as a figure with womanly breasts and form but with male genitalia. There is just something about her that is comforting. Often they appear as wise figures who are linked with sovereignty, fertility and the ability to punish. Researcher Johanna Hypatia-Cybelaia writes that lesbian and gay devotees worshipped her as Artemis Orthia, and that lesbian port Pamphilia referred to the goddess in hymn as Artemis Pergaea. Queer Greek Gods - Asexual Visibility and Education Network Seemingly not all of them, Lugh is said to have been speared and drowned in. This name means Lugh of the long arm in Irish. In order to marry her, Aengus had to correctly identify her as a swan among 150 other swans, which he was able to do. For example, the Morrigan was sometimes referred to as Badb, the Crow, even when clearly not referenced as part of a trinity. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Some of the main Celtic deity types and main gods and goddesses of each are listed below.. Greek gods and goddesses. Above: Antonio Verrio, The Gods on Mount Olympus (1690-1694), AchillesThe Greek hero Achilles was invulnerable excepting his famous weak heel, but a male shieldbearer broke through the warrior's romantic defenses. During the great migration from their legendary home of Aztalan, Huitzilopochtli told the Aztecs where they should establish their capital city of Tenochtitlan and urged them on their way. As far as she was concerned, love didn't equal sex. Both the gods of Lugh and the Dagda are supposedly buried in the sacred center of the island of Ireland, As a god he had immense power and influence. Then he also transformed into a swan and flew with her to his home in the Br na Boinne.. For her, love was what most people feel for their brothers and their sisters. - Zeus, god of the thunder, was bisexual. katepanomegas/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0. Frigg is a Norse goddess of love and fertility. I think so, yes. After a series of failed attempts to seek revenge on him, she ultimately correctly prophesied his death in battle.. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. ', We're Ready to Stan 'Swarm,' a New Horror Series Based on the Beyhive, Ellie & Riley's Kiss in 'The Last of Us' Censored in Some Regions. Above: John Macallan Swan, Orpheus (1896), HermaphroditusPerhaps the earliest literary reference to an intersex person concerns this child of Hermes and love goddess Aphrodite who as a youth encountered the nymph Salmacis, who attempted to seduce the youth and asked the gods that their forms be permanently joined. ine, the goddess of the summer and summer sun and Grian (asgrian means sun in Irish) was the goddess of the pale winter sun., Water was considered a sacred element and Manannn the sea god is one of the most notable of all the gods in Irish mythology. Donn, the Irish god of death may have been an aspect of the Dagda. She was the first-born child of wily Cronos and youngest too, by will of Zeus who holds the aegis, a queenly maid whom both Poseidon and Apollo sought to wed. September 8, 2006 in Asexual Musings and Rantings. At times, these names could be used interchangeably. Male lovers of the god included the satyr Ampelos and the famously handsome Adonis. Why not check out the, Top 10 Irish American Presidents with Irish Roots, Waterville: The Complete Charlie Chaplin Guide. It appears that Manannn took over the role of the sea god from his father, although some tales suggest that, (Just in case you were wondering, it is not completely clear whether the, Manannan was well equipped with armor and weapons, some of which he supplied to the god, He was able to make a dramatic entrance on his, In addition to his role as a sea god, Manannn also took care of the, According to some stories he was the husband, or perhaps the father of the, Manannan has a strong connection to Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. She tried unsuccessfully to seduce him and when this failed, she sought revenge for his spuned rejections by attacking C Chulainn in the form of an eel, a wolf and a heifer. She never had any children. Her Roman equivalent is Minerva. Still, beyond this, many of the Greek gods are described as sexually promiscuous. Much turns on whether "bend" means "influence at all" or "arouse desire to such an extent that consquences would ensue," but it is certainly less than "ensnare," and that she has no influence at all on all three is a probable reading. Due to his extensive power and influence, the early Christain church tried to demonize Cernunnos. Irish mythology usually depicts the sun as being feminine and interestingly there appears to have been two goddesses connected with the sun. In a dream Aengus falls in love with a beautiful maiden, Caer Ibormeith. to a lesser degree.. Aphrodite was, in fact, widely worshipped as a goddess of the sea and of . In addition to his role as a sea god, Manannn also took care of the welfare of the Tuatha d Danann when they were forced into the fairy mound, or sdhe, after being defeated by the Milesian invaders. Hathor (Egyptian: Het-Hert) - One of the most important goddesses, linked with the sky, the sun, sexuality and motherhood, music and dance, foreign lands and goods, and the afterlife. Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses - Namma (goddess) They said that Athena was the daughter of Zeus not from intercourse, but when the god had in mind the making of a world through a word his first thought was Athena. Are there any myths where Artemis or Athena fell in love with women? ApolloThe sun god, one of the most important in all literature, was also quite the libertine. (Note: "virgin" means "no sexual relations with men" in ancient Greek works. Aengus skill with poetry was thought to be so great that he was able to break magic spells with this gift, such as the one placed on tain in the love story with Midir. IsisThe Egyptian goddess, also worshipped by Greeks, is known for solving a gender identity issue of yore. She was the wife and/or sister of Tlaloc and was also the patroness of childbirth. Retells the famous tales about Fionn mac Cumhail (or Finn McCool) and the band of Irish warriors known as the Fianna. Above: Jean-Baptiste Regnault, Education of Achilles (1780-1790). The triple goddess is composed of the goddesses Badb, Macha and Nemain. Salmacis hides until he strips to bathe in her lake. - Athena, goddess of widsom, was a lesbian. However in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, we read. Lugh is thought to have been the father of demi god and famous Irish warrior, Are Celtic gods immortal? His shrine was decorated with blue bands representing rain and water. Actividad de Greek gods and goddesses. In Navajo mythology, Tsohanoai is the husband of the goddess of seasons, Estsanatlehi. And for those who think same-sex nuptials are a 21st-century invention, Apollo also was in a relationship with Hymen, the god of marriage. Xipe Totec (pronounced Shee-peh Toh-tek) is Our Lord with the flayed skin. Xipe Totec was the god of agricultural fertility, the east and the goldsmiths. NarcissusA figure mostly known for his obsessive vanity, this son of a nymph and a river god would spend his last days gazing at his own reflection, but the first man he showed affection for was not himself. The Dagda is the Celtic god of agriculture, fertility of the land and animals, weather, time and seasons. @Emrakul That's fair; I'd also like some stronger evidence, e.g. I don't expect that the ancient Greeks shared our modern conception of asexuality to a T; however, if it's possible to identify that ancient Greek writings reflect an idea of asexuality comparable to our modern one, that would probably count as an example. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? Above: Hans Sebald Beham, Heracles and Iolaus dispatching the hydra with club and fire, PoseidonAccording to Pindar's First Olympian Ode, Pelops, the king of Pisa, once shared "Aphrodite's sweet gifts" with the ocean god himself. Above: Zeus and Ganymede, artist and date unknown. This doesn't necessarily mean she was gay or aro ace. There was no definitive list of the three goddesses that made the collective Morrigan or Morrigna. In comparison to Roman gods, many Celtic deities often represent multiple different aspects and had more all-encompassing powers. Before the wedding, Iphis prayed in the Temple of Isis for a solution, and voila! We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. I like this answer - I really do - but I think I'm going to abstain from voting, because I'm not sure it's a strong enough case for her representation of asexuality. Athena is the child of the god Zeus and the titan Metis, she never met her mother. Nor does laughter-loving Aphrodite ever tame in love Artemis, the huntress with shafts of gold; for she loves archery and the slaying of wild beasts in the mountains, the lyre also and dancing and thrilling cries and shady woods and the cities of upright men. Edit: Totally different meaning without the "with each other" clause. If you click on one of them, we might receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you). The frenzy of battle is connected with the aspect of Nemian. Hestia Facts and Information on Greek Goddess Hestia Also, the older-younger thing had a class dynamic. She is the mother of Fand, the goddess of the sea and of the lover of Fergus mac Rich, who apparently needed seven women or just Flidas to satisfy his sexual appitite., While there are many different Celtic deities, they can be sometimes grouped together according to certain aspects. He was king of the glorified race of the Tuatha d Danann, who were known for their superior skills and knowledge, particularly on the battlefield. The Symposium goes into some manner of detail on this point about Eros, describing maleness and sexuality as effectively identical concepts with no real distinguishing factors. There was a prophecy that if Metis had a son, the son would overthrow Zeus as the king of the gods, so when she got pregnant with Athena, Zeus ate her. At birth, Plato was given the name Aristocles, after his grandfather, according to the 3rd century Greek historian Diogenes Laertius. In all the temples of the gods she has a share of honor, and among all mortal men she is chief of the goddesses. Greek Gods and goddesses. Codex Telleriano-Remensis/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Artemis - Wikipedia Aglaia is one of three daughters to Zeus and the Oceanid Eurynome. Tezcatlipoca (pronounced Tez-cah-tlee-poh-ka)'s name means Smoking Mirror and he is often represented as an evil power, associated with death and cold. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, warfare and craftsmanship. Male lovers of the god included the satyr Ampelos and the famously handsome Adonis. The Virgin Mary - the mother of Jesus and one of the most respected women probably in the world. She is the twin sister of the god Apollo and one of the Twelve Olympian gods who live on Mount Olympus. Family. Above: Pentheus Scorns The Prophecies of Tiresias, AthenaThe goddess of wisdom and patron of Athens was a virgin by nearly every mythological account but did express a romantic attraction to the Attic maiden Myrmex. Well, many scholars suggest the idea of a lesbian culture is just modern fantasy, though there is art from the time that depicts Amazonian Queen Penthesilia accepting a love gift from a Thracian huntress. Dionysus. Interested in more Irish Celtic mythology? As a crow, she would fly over the battlefield and either encourage or instill fear in the warriors below. Offerings to ine have also been made at Lough Gur in County Limerick. Based on that version of Orion's story (like pretty much every other myth, there are lots of different versions, and Artemis doesn't fall in love with Orion in all of them), demiromantic asexual makes a lot of sense. When Prosymnus died before that deal would be consummated, the god created a wood phallus to ritually fulfill the promise, according to research by a number of Christian historians, including Hyginus and Arnobius. Now of course, being a virgin doesn't necessarily imply being asexual - Artemis, for example, seems to recognise the idea of sexuality, and some stories even have it that she was in love with her hunting companion Orion. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Some myths suggest a romantic relationship between Hermes and the hero Perseus. Alastor - God of vengeance and family feuds. Spurned, Ciconian women would eventually tear Orpheus apart during a Bacchic orgy. For some reason, I just always liked her attitude, if that makes any sense. Along with her sister Nephthys, Isis acted as a divine mourner, and her maternal care was often depicted as extending to the dead in the underworld. For a long time she was associated as being a woodland goddess, somewhat similar to the Roman goddess Diana, scholars now deem this association with woodland to be incorrect. Athena, goddess of wisdom, warfare and craftsmanship. The ancient Celts were polytheistic and are thought to have worshiped over 400 Celtic gods and goddesses, although it is difficult to pinpoint an exact figure. People of the ruling class - think Plato, for example - got to participate in ephebeophilia, to coin a word. Artemis, Goddess of the hunt, the moon, and the protector of girls and animals. she became a he. after killing the trusted guard dog of Culainn in self defense, by accurately hitting a sliotar (ball used in the Irish game of hurling) down its throat as it attacked him. She is always an advocate of rationality, and neither love nor sexuality are entirely rational impulses. The crow symbol is thought to connect with Badb (meaning crow in Irish). His prayer too is granted, and the pool of Salmacis was reputed to take away the virility of men. 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Osiris was a god responsible for taking care of the departed souls in the next world. The accuracy of this suggestion is still debated by scholars.. Aphrodite | Mythology, Worship, & Art | Britannica The Morrigan goddess is usually thought of as the Celtic goddess of war and sometimes the Celtic goddess of death, but she has strong association with fertility and sovereignty as well. AVEN Unofficial discord and other resources during the COVID-19 pandemic, July/August/September 2022 - Asexual Dating. Alastor God of family feuds and avenger of evil deeds. She acquired the land from the King of Leinster by promising to only take as much ground as her cloak covered. And maybe re-check your parenthetical about Dionysian asexuality; by my understanding you've got your "former" and "latter" mixed up. He was also connected with rightfulness, especially in terms of kingship. ChrysippusEuripedes wrote that this divine Peloponnesian hero was on the way to compete in the Nemean Games when his Theban tutor Laius ran off with him and raped him. Ultimately the Morrigan predicted C Chulainns violent death and a crow (the most common symbol of the Morrigan goddess) signified his death on the battlefield when it landed on his shoulder. Brigid was the goddess Celtic people turned to when they needed to be healed. What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? Hod is a son of Odin. He also once made a journey to Hades and was guided by the shepherd Prosymnus, who led the way in exchange for the chance to make love to the party god. Overly Sarcastic Productions on YouTube touches on this topic briefly in their video on Endymion. There was a catch that Caer was stuck in the form of a swan and was only able to return to a human form for one day every second year. In a variation of the Hyacinth myth, it was Hermes' lover Crocus who was killed by a discus thrown by a god before being turned into a flower. Call him mythology's original transgender person. Irish mythology is rich in tales gods and goddesses and their rituals, battles, revenge and sexual encounters. Besides dalliances with numerous nymphs, Apollo was also lover to Macedonian Prince Hyakinthos, who died catching a thrown discus, then turned by the god into the hyacinth flower. The notion of reincarnation is that deceased family members make their journey back to life as a new baby in the same . ace artemis asexual athena bow clouds greek helmet hestia mythology olympus owl pantheon pride quiver spear virgins pridemonth acepride fire . The asexual greek goddess Athena! Asexual gods part 2. bu yeah on a short note i always fell in love with the virgin goddesses of any religion, hell i was raised catholic and to this day the only person i ever pray to is the virgin maryand even that rarely. Athena actually had a mother, her name was Metis, and she was Zeus' first wife. Later he got a really bad headache, so he had Haephestus split his head open to release the pressure, and Athena came out of his head, fully grown and dressed in battle armor. Athena really did not have any interest in sex at all. Size queen. Above: Antonio Verrio, The Gods on Mount Olympus (1690-1694), AchillesThe Greek hero Achilles was invulnerable excepting his famous weak heel, but a male shieldbearer broke through the warrior's romantic defenses. Manannans father Lir, was likely the main sea god before Mannanan came to prominence., There are actually several Celtic goddesses connected with water. Spurned, Ciconian women would eventually tear Orpheus apart during a Bacchic orgy. Above: Johann Georg Platzer, The Amazon Queen Thalestris in the Camp of Alexander the Great, TeiresiasThe blind prophet of Apollo was most famous in Greek myth for being transformed from a man into a woman for seven years. Aglaia - The Goddess of beauty, splendour, glory and adornment. Athena didn't catch the innuendo. - Hermes, menssager of the gods, was bisexual as well. There are several divine mother goddess figures in ancient Celtic mythology. Antique fresco from Pompeii. C Chulainn was a skilled and dedicated warrior from an early age, and was always eager to join in the physical training sessions of the older boys. In the Golden Age, mortals and gods mingled freely.
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